Wireless Emergency Alert Scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 8, did not make Inyo County Sheriff happy.

California officials on Tuesday, December 8, sent out an emergency phone alert to mobile phones statewide to inform county residents about the state’s Regional Stay-at-Home Order. The alert urged residents to stay home and that “COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.”...

Shop with a Cop | Popular Christmas Program for Kids Returns

SHOP WITH A COP ADAPTED FOR 2020  Shop with a Cop is alive and well in 2020, with some tweaks. The program brings law enforcement branches from Mono and Inyo Counties together with a special selection of East Side grade school children to all go shopping for gifts for...

Inyo County Sheriff won’t enforce Gov’s Stay at Home Order Curfew | Curfew does not include Inyo County

On Governor Newsom’s Stay at Home Order Statement from the Sheriff On November 19, the Inyo County Sheriff’s Office learned that Governor Newsom would be issuing a “Limited Stay at Home Order” (curfew) to take effect Saturday, November 21, at 10 PM.  It has been the...