The Bear Activity in Town of Mammoth Really Picked up over the Last 10 days. It’s officially time for the first “MLPD Bear Beat” of 2022!

  MLPD Bear Beat Bear Activity in Mammoth Lakes from July 1 – 26, 2022 This Month’s Theme: If a bear is in an open dumpster, is it the bear’s fault? 7/2, 9:04 p.m., Forest Trail – Bear attempting to break into neighbor’s house. Gone on arrival. 7/3, 4:14...

Bishop Lions Club Serves Pancake Breakfast On “The Shop With A Cop” Day

  Shown taking a well-deserved break  “mule hitching” a ride after serving a Bishop Lions Club pancake breakfast to approximately 85 excited area youngsters and law enforcement hosts and hostesses this past weekend for Shop-With-A-Cop. Pictured are...