by Deb Murphy | Feb 11, 2020 | General Misc. Stories, Government Agencies/Utilities
Inyo’s Chief Administrative Officer Clint Quilter set a deadline on commercial air service in Bishop by October of this year and he’s sticking to it. But, he did explain his deadline philosophy during an airport update at last week’s Board of Supervisors’ meeting. “My...
by Deb Murphy | Feb 6, 2020 | General Misc. Stories
Diaz Lake and the Laws Railroad Museum will be getting some major fixes to their water systems, thanks to an anticipated $400,000 in Prop. 68 Per Capita funds. As Leslie Chapman, assistant administrative officer, explained at Tuesday’s Inyo Board of Supervisors...
by Deb Murphy | Dec 3, 2019 | General Misc. Stories
A year and a half ago, advocates for dark sky ordinances brought their case before the Inyo Board of Supervisors. After a series of public workshops and research, the Planning Department came back with recommendations at the Board’s November 26 meeting. The Board...
by News Staff | Apr 5, 2019 | General Misc. Stories
By Deb Murphy The Inyo Board of Supervisors got a preview of a franchise agreement with the County’s two waste haulers at Tuesday’s meeting. Built into that agreement is a procedure for annual adjustments in the floor rate that determines the cost to residents. Bottom...
by News Staff | Feb 7, 2019 | Entertainment/Local Events/Activities, General Misc. Stories, Government Agencies/Utilities
By Deb Murphy The Adventure Trails program allows off-road vehicles, not legal on surface streets, to use those streets to gain access to community services. It’s that simple but the hours of discussion before the Inyo Board of Supervisors probably exceeds the number...