by Deb Murphy | Sep 10, 2020 | General Misc. Stories, Government Agencies/Utilities, News Releases, Town of Mammoth Lakes
The Town of Mammoth Lakes isn’t taking any chances with its position on the moderate tier of California’s revised COVID-19 classification system. The Town’s goal is to drop to the minimal tier with a broad range of business openings. At last week’s Town Council...
by Community Reports/Events | Aug 31, 2020 | Business, CalTrans, General Misc. Stories, Government Agencies/Utilities, Inyo County, Town of Mammoth Lakes
After finding out why so many local residents, visitors, local businesses, government offices, and others lost their mobile phone and Internet outage on, first, Tuesday, August 25th (See UPDATE Aug. 27, 2020: Explanation August 25the Outage…), only for it to...
by News Staff | Aug 24, 2020 | Corona Virus, News Releases, Press Release, Public Health, State of California, Town of Mammoth Lakes
Press Release: August 24, 2020 On Sunday, August 23rd, Mono County was officially removed from the State’s COVID-19 (Coronavirus) County Data Monitoring List following three consecutive days of local data meeting State thresholds. The county-wide COVID-19 containment...
by News Staff | Aug 13, 2020 | Law Enforcement, Mammoth Lakes Police, News Releases, Press Release, Town of Mammoth Lakes
[Press Release from Mammoth Lakes Police Dept.Thu 8/13/2020 5:19 PM] Mammoth Lakes, CA – On August 12, 2020, the Mammoth Lakes Police Department responded to a call from a resident that their car had been broken into. While at that call, another citizen flagged down...
by News Staff | Aug 11, 2020 | Corona Virus, General Misc. Stories, News Releases, Press Release, Public Health, Town of Mammoth Lakes
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by News Staff | Jul 22, 2020 | Business, Corona Virus, Government Agencies/Utilities, News Releases, Press Release, Public Health, State of California, Town of Mammoth Lakes
It was bound to happen when the number of positive COVID-19 cases in Mono County skyrocketed and one had to be hospitalized over the past two weeks. In response, the Public Health Officer, Dr. Tom Boo, issued further restrictions on restaurants in Mammoth Lakes, which...