Press Release:
The Bishop Police Department would like to make the public aware of the increasing popularity of synthetic marijuana in Bishop. Synthetic cannabinoids, also referred to as “Spice,” “K2,” and “Blaze” is a psychoactive herbal and chemical product, which when consumed is suppose to mimic the effects of cannabis. “K2/Spice products are a mixture of herbal/spice plant products sprayed with potent psychotropic drugs, often contaminated with unidentified toxic substances which contribute to various adverse health effects, also cause hallucinogenic effects similar to the effects of PCP.” (Narcotic Educational Foundation of America) Synthetic marijuana is normally marketed as herbal incense and or smoking blends which can be purchased at local convenience stores, gas stations and on line for $25.00 to $60.00 a package.
Bishop is not immune to this product and we have had reports of juveniles purchasing synthetic marijuana and becoming very ill. The symptoms and side effects of synthetic marijuana are; delusions, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, paranoia, increased aggravation, dilated pupils and vomiting are just to list a few. These products are being sold over the counter and targeted at our young people as a safe and legal alternative to marijuana. So please be aware of what your children are purchasing and the dangers it may impose to their health.
Selling and purchasing synthetic marijuana is a misdemeanor and can be a punishment of a fine up to $1000.00 or imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six month. If you have any questions and or concerns, please contact the Bishop Police Department.
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John- good for you. I’m guessing that’s a crime and I don’t think that should be either.
Truth be told, it is easier,cheaper and safer to smoke pot than get drunk.
Go on you tube and see how this affects people (mainly the youth). Spice and bath salts are bad news. but there it is, over the counter at various stores.
The War on Marijuana has and always will be a waste or resources for the cops and general public.
Those that want to smoke will always be able too.
Those that need it for reasons that is a benefit should not have to go to the street dealers.
Sooner or later the criminalization of marijuana will be in the past cause it is getting more and more apparent how ridiculous it is to look down on marijuana, when at the same time you will see a glorified booze commercial’s.
“Sooner or later the criminalization of marijuana will be in the past cause it is getting more and more apparent how ridiculous it is to look down on marijuana, when at the same time you will see a glorified booze commercial’s.”
Because of some very regressive attitudes that pervade our political ruling class, it will likely be later and not sooner. Very sad indeed.
Good point though. How many times do we hear about some frat boy smoking pot until he dies???
ZERO……because pot consumption has NEVER killed anyone.
How many more times are we gonna hear about a frat boy or sorority sister die from binge drinking?
We will hear about those for the rest of our lives.
unidentified toxic substances which contribute to various adverse health effects, also cause hallucinogenic effects similar to the effects of PCP.”
which can be purchased at local convenience stores, gas stations and on line for $25.00 to $60.00 a package.
what’s wrong with this picture? what’s wrong with our society?
“what’s wrong with this picture? what’s wrong with our society?”
One really huge wrong is the current ridiculous prohibition on Marijauna.
These stupid synthetic pot products wouldn’t have a market if pot was legal, smoking or eating pot is very safe compared with this garbage.
Prohibitions of any kind for any goods or services have never worked, ever.
Ending prohibitions for said good or services has ALWAYS ended or severely stifled black markets associated with said prohibitions. Those facts can never be refuted, never.
The Mexican drug cartels are destroying our public lands because of this stupid prohibition. Legalize pot and that problem goes away…forever! They know there is a never ending market for pot and are growing huge crops here to skip the trouble of smuggling over the boarder. Make it legal here and they have no reason to destroy our public lands…it is that simple.
Your thought process is way off! here’s no way legalizing “pot” will send the cartels away…. ever! They’ll just grow bigger and stronger!
Nope. When the market for their pot fades so will their huge grown.
Just one of those facts of any prohibition you choose to ignore.
I disagree SierraFan. legalizing pot will eliminate the profits the cartels receive from there underground distribution of pot. which in turn gives them more resources to bring over the more evils they profit from. And in another plus that i see is it will have law enforcement focus on Crack, Meth, Cocaine, etc. which is way more of a evil then pot. lets not forget alcohol is legal. my perspective is that alcohol is as dangorous as any other illicit substance, due to the fact it is so socailly accepted and is very much availible for the youth to consume. In my own experience that can be a dangorous combination (youth + Alcohol). I am not saying it would be better for everyone to consume pot, but I am not the only one that sees how irrational it is to continue to criminalize the “herb”. lol.
Why would anybody want to deal with the cartels if they didnt have too??????
And also it is in such high demand that it is a major income source for them.
SierraFan- I don’t see people crossing our borders with booze after the government ended prohibition. Pot is the least of our problems now days.
That’s not true. I have personally sailed my boat to Mexico for the soul purpose of filling it with booze to bring back to California. It’s well worth the trip. $$$$$$
……told ya….
I don’t understand. If this product is being sold “over the counter,” as the article states, how can it be illegal to buy and sell?
Thank you, Alice – that was my question, too!
Because the Bishop PD is incorrect, it’s not illegal to buy, sell, or have in possession because this stuff isn’t classified as a drug.
The following synthetic cannabinoid compounds are banned:
(1) 1-pentyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole (JWH-018).
(2) 1-butyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole (JWH-073).
(3) 1-[2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl]-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole (JWH-200).
(4) 5-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)-2-[(1R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl]-phenol
(5) 5-(1,1-dimethyloctyl)-2-[(1R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl]-phenol
(cannabicyclohexanol; CP-47, 497 C8 homologue).
See HSC 11357.5 for more.
There are countless other analogues that have nearly the same effect that are not banned.
….And now we are going to hear if marijuana was legalized,this product would just up and go away…..
You got that right Wayne.
Yes, it would go away.
So would sending people to prison at a very high cost to the taxpayer.
So would spending and wasting law enforcement resources busting people for pot, they could then spend more time fighting real crime.
Pot will never go away no mater how delusional some are that a war on drugs can somehow be “won”.
Prohibition never works and never has…….just a basic fact of human history.
The head in the sand policies that produced the silly drug war farce will likely and unfortunately continue. It jst doesn’t get much more moronic that the phony failed “war on drugs”.
Cocaine,meth and heroin will never go away either….not a reason to legalize it…In my olden days I knew people that I would’ve felt safer riding in a vehicle with if they were drunk nor high on meth than I would have if they were high on pot.
Wayne- I have had the privilege of reading hundreds of your opinions , this one wins the Bozo award.
Back in the day you would have ridden with someone drunk or on meth rather than on pot? You have no idea what the heck you’re talking about. I don’t do drugs but have been around “back in the day” and a pot smoker trumps a drunk or meth head when it comes to driving.
I probably should not have said it that way….Let’s say I wouldn’t feel safe being a passenger in a vehicle where the driver is driving under the influence NO MATTER the drug or alcohol….including marijuana.
“Selling and purchasing synthetic marijuana is a misdemeanor and can be a punishment of a fine up to $1000.00 or imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six month.”
The more accurate statement would be that selling synthetic marijuana with banned analogues is illegal. The problem with these synthetic drugs is that as soon as one analogue is banned there is another waiting in the shadows.
There is a reason that synthetic marijuana is so popular. The same reason that made moonshine popular in the 20’s. Prohibition is a fundamentally flawed approach that is not fixing the “problem”. Rather, prohibition and stigma is the problem.
The NY Times recently published an interesting article on the “success” of the war on drugs: Cocaine is now “74 percent cheaper than it was 30 years ago.”
Persons like Wayne Deja, with all of their good intentions, are playing the ostrich. Putting one’s head in the sand and screaming “LA LA LA LA LA” does not make a problem go away. It is time for the United States to take a more progressive approach to drug addiction and policy; Imprisoning addicts and aggressive, international, drug interdiction is not working.