Thank you to Stan Smith from the Bishop Lions Club to keep all of us in the loop on what is happening with the organizations and Club signs as you enter town.

North Hwy 395 Welcome Sign Stakeholders and Interested Onlookers

Stan Smith got a heads-up by a phone call from CalTrans’ Niki Lowden that the sign project is upon us. What sign project you may ask? A lot of them located along HWY 395 but mainly the sign that has all the clubs and churches listed as you come into town.

Briefly, no contract from CalTrans and DWP so far – disagreement internally within the two agencies as to wording – no check to us so far for the value of the sign.  Demolition still scheduled November 1st.

Briefly, explanation from DWP this week is that we are being compensated for the market value of the sign and it must be removed and not replaced!

The westerly site of the new location that was discussed some time back is not available – no permit, no easement, no right-of-way, no license, nada!

As it turns out we can’t even store the dismantled sign at the Bishop Vet location next to our site since that represents a “3rd party interest or use” and would violate the DWP lease terms and conditions!  Stan Smith had arranged for permission for storage, if necessary, with Dr. Taylor Ludwick and his father some time back when this started, anticipating we might need temporary storage for pieces and parts and timbers while the project was underway and being completed.

Now, the word is DWP will not issue any new permit or agreement for our sign.  They are in the midst of sending out other notices to other organizations that their “grandfathered” signs – our agreement dates back to circa 1978 Stan was told – must also be removed.  Our target date is still approx. November 1, 2024.

Now, the word is CalTrans will most likely – definitely! – not allow a new sign placement within their set-back zone for encroachments, possibly 100′ to 600′ from our target highways of 395 and 168.

Stan Smith asked about the current Chamber welcome sign/monument on the knoll west of the gun club on 395 and the likelihood is slim, but not explored so far.   Possibility of precedence and prior permission(s) obtained which might be to our advantage.

Stan asked about putting a “sign” for the organizations on some building downtown, as in a mural, and that would have to be explored.

Since we’re talking about a greeting sign of welcome coming from the north on 395, the only site – definitely unexplored – is Tribal Land such as near the casino complex or the fast food site at Tu Su and 395.

When I asked about the fairgrounds DWP answered that still is one of their leases and verboten there as well!

The bottom line is private fee building or land location, possible.

The suggestion was made that we could negotiate with a government (city-county) entity to acquire permission and sponsor the relocation, since gov’t to gov’t deals go down easier – not necessarily faster –  than with the private sector!

Mason Doug Macurda was kind enough to chase 2 Masons who were ready to help with equipment, machinery and time for the removal and relocation, and that is much appreciated.

Stan Smith has included Lions group representatives, city and county and state and federal officials, DWP and CalTrans officials, and members of the Press with this e-mail, with the hope that a sensible solution can be found.  When we were alerted almost a year ago that the sign had to come down because of the road improvement and sidewalk installation program at hand, certainly no comment was ever made that the Welcome Sign could not go back up in a similar location due to overlapping agency restrictions.

We are not the only group affected by the CalTrans and DWP plans for signage in town.  My guess is the “Worship With Us” church sign(s) and motel signs and restaurant signs and other directional/advertising signs may be included.

Stan’s suggestion is a “town hall” meeting be conducted, maybe through the Bishop Area Chamber, including the necessary resources in attendance who might prove to be valuable in answering the impact of the loss of these community organization/info signs, since we tout ourselves as a tourist destination.  There is an element of economic impact on the county and city service areas with this signage removal as well as the hardship represented in the mandate for removal without viable replacement options, even with the offer of compensation by the planning and implementing public agencies.

Stan Smith since the writing of his original email has been in contact with the following:

  • Spoke with Bishop Mayor Jose Garcia at noon today – he’s going to go view the site and may enter the fray with DWP and CalTrans…he understands the historic importance of the welcome signs as well as the tradition and presence.
  • Spoke also with 2 members of the local Press and they may follow up as they see fit.
  • Didn’t have a chance to speak with Tawni at the noon meeting but I’m sure she’ll be in touch.
  • Supervisor Jen Roeser has been in touch and we may see the county try to help with the agencies.
  • Have not had a chance to see anyone with the Paiute-Shoshone administration – do have some contact with their economic development office and could refer from there……………have contact with Tribal leaders to some extent, to explore their commercial possibilities on 395.

Regardless, all organizations listed on the sign must be prepared to remove your organization’s sign before November 1st from what we’re being told so far!

Sign To Come Down



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