For some, right now amounts to the talking phase of pre-election activity. The June 8th Primary Election sets out a series of paperwork deadlines. In between, some have already declared candidacy, others have bowed out and still more sit on the fence.

We did learn that Mammoth Town Councilmember Wendy Sugimura has decided not to run again. She said she has other priorities. Sugimura explained that she had a “window of


Councilmember Wendy Sugimura

opportunity for community service and the window is gone.” She said it’s tempting to continue, but she has other priorities. Sugimura and her husband did add a baby to their family in 2009.

Word had circulated in Mammoth that the Advocates for Mammoth group wanted to forward a Town Council candidate.


Bill Taylor

Former planner Bill Taylor’s name came up. I spoke with Taylor today. He said he was approached by a couple of different people about running, but he said right now he is not actively planning to run for Council. Taylor said he could not say that he wouldn’t change his mind but he said it is not his intent now.

Taylor said that with a consulting business, he is not comfortable with the time it would take to work as a councilman.

inyo_courthouseOn the county level in Inyo. Incumbent supervisors Bev Brown and Linda Arcularius said they have decided to seek another term on the Board.

Brown said she will run again because she feels there is more to do. She wants to see the Airport stabilized and Los Angeles lands released around towns.

Long-time Supervisor Linda Arcularius said she will run again but for the last time. Arcularius said she enjoys the job and has more work to do. “I will pursue one more term,” she said, “but it is probably my last.”

The Inyo County Elections Department said these officials have taken out petitions in lieu of filing fees:

County Superintendent of Schools Terry McAteer, Supervsior Brown, Assessor Tom Lanshaw, Auditor Leslie Chapman, Sheriff Bill Lutze and Tax Collector Alicia McMurtry.

In Mono County, Supervisor Tom Farnetti made it clear he will not seek re-election in District 1. So Far, Larry Johnston and Bill Sauser have taken out petitions. Supervisor Byng Hunt has indicated he will run again in Distsrict 5. District 4 remains vacant due to Supervisor Bill Reid’s death. The Governor will apparently fill that void.

Also in Mono, Assessor Jody Henning and Sheriff Rick Scholl have taken out petitions.

As for Superior Court Judge – in Mono, Judge Ed Forstenzer passed the word that he did not want to make a public statement at this time about whether he will run again.

In Inyo, Superior Court Judge Dean Stout said he will run.

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