Project ChildSafe ® Comes to Mammoth
MLPD to Distribute Gun Locks
The Mammoth Lakes Police Department (MLPD) will be providing free firearm safety kits to local residents through a partnership with Project ChildSafe, the nationwide firearms safety education program. The safety kits, which include a gun lock are available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the MLPD station located at 568 Old Mammoth Road.
Project ChildSafe, a program developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, has distributed more than 35 million firearm safety kits throughout the country since 2003. The program is supported by the U.S. Department of Justice and the firearms industry.
“We encourage residents to pick up a Project ChildSafe safety kit so that they can securely store their firearms,” said MLPD Chief Dan Watson. “Each kit contains a safety curriculum and cable-style gun lock. The locks fit most types of handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The goal is to prevent a child or any other unauthorized person from accessing a firearm in your home.”
By partnering with Project ChildSafe, the MLPD is participating in a national effort to promote firearms safety education to all gun owners. Project ChildSafe will distribute gun lock safety kits to all 50 states and the five U.S. territories.
“We are pleased to have the Mammoth Lakes Police Department as a Project ChildSafe partner,” said Bill Brassard Jr., director of Project ChildSafe. “Project ChildSafe is an important step forward in helping ensure that all firearm owners fully understand their responsibilities with respect to the safe handling and storage of firearms.”
According to Chief Watson, “Although the gun locks provided with the safety kits meet the requirement of California AB 106 as a Department of Justice-approved safety device, we encourage everyone who owns a firearm to store it in a location inaccessible to children or other unauthorized persons. Ammunition should be stored in a separate location. A key goal of the program is to prevent a loaded firearm from being left lying around the house where a child could pick it up and play with it. That’s a tragedy waiting to happen.”
There is no cost for the gun safety kits and residents who get them are not required to provide any information to the Police Department.
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I agree Trouble…
This is a good step in the direction of awareness about and discussion with minors regarding guns. We have to talk to our kids about this stuff and be available to them. I showed my kid what a shotgun would do to a pumpkin (persons head) and it made a lasting impression. It is understood that a gun is not a video game.
My child treats all guns as loaded and never points one at anything but the target.
We also shot a .22 which many people think is not lethal, my child knows a .22 is lethal.
My child also knows Ca. gun laws regarding transport and safe handling of ammunition.
Trouble agree with you there….but with all the video games nowadays,and the accidental shootings by young children….and stupid teen-agers,I’m thinking these Child-safe kits are probably a good idea for most families that have young children…..and stupid teen-agers.
I don’t know Wayne, stupid teenagers can unlock guns faster than me. Parents need to teach their kids to respect guns.
Pretty hard to defend your property with a locked up, unloaded and out of reach gun. If guess I should have bought a pipe wrench instead.
I like it money well spent.