Hatred buttons

Economy, religion, ideology and political systems are all the creation of man.They must all relate with human feeling and the human spirit to fulfill many ofour basic human aspirations. The different religions and ideologies are designedfor humanity and not the...

Attention, dog walkers

Don’t you just hate it when someone walks their dog, or a neighbor’s dog does it’s defecation or urinates in your yard and the owner acts like nothing happened? Well, I do! Or when an unleashed dog jumps on or scares a child. Well I do! I had it! I...

Welcome change at ESUSD

Dear Editor:We are writing to thank all those parents, teachers, and community members who contributed time, money, support, and/or front yard sign space to the 2010 campaign to elect Matt Baumann, Gabe Segura, and Bob Tems to the Eastern Sierra Unified School...

Motocross thank you

There was a good turn out for the Mammoth Motocross Track meeting. Thank you for giving my kids the chance to speek at the meeting. They were very proud of being able to stand up for what they love and believe in. I am sadened by the town and Forest Services threat...

Inform the Public on Commission Vacancies

November 23, 2010 Inyo County Supervisors: First let me explain this is not a letter because I was not appointed to the Water Commission by Inyo County Supervisors. This letter is to ask the Supervisors if they remember what they said in their September 14, 2010...