395 open to 203. 203 still closed. If you are thinking of coming up to catch all the fresh snow, please do not. Most of the roads in the Crowley, Long Valley, and Sunny Slopes areas are one lane with no parking areas. I suspect the same is true in Swall Meadows. All this snow will be here for awhile.
Concerning Swall, you’re exactly right. The blizzard a couple days ago brough very little new snow, but blew in a lot of cold, loose snow that formed deep, dense drifts all over town. Too deep and hard for most snow blowers to handle Stuck cars in the road just make things all that harder. 4W drive is great, but can just get you stuck in worse places.
395 open to 203. 203 still closed. If you are thinking of coming up to catch all the fresh snow, please do not. Most of the roads in the Crowley, Long Valley, and Sunny Slopes areas are one lane with no parking areas. I suspect the same is true in Swall Meadows. All this snow will be here for awhile.
Concerning Swall, you’re exactly right. The blizzard a couple days ago brough very little new snow, but blew in a lot of cold, loose snow that formed deep, dense drifts all over town. Too deep and hard for most snow blowers to handle Stuck cars in the road just make things all that harder. 4W drive is great, but can just get you stuck in worse places.
Thank you Fred.
Your warnings are well taken.
Too bad Alterra doesn’t share your concern.
To the contrary, MMSA’s website encourages everyone to come up and “Unleash Some Awesome”!
Corporate irresponsibilty, IMO.