Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 18, 2025





Press release

Mark your calendar for Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care’s Tenth Annual Wild Spirits fundraising event on Sunday, October 25th from 6-8 PM at Mountain Light Gallery. Join ESWC—the people who rescue, rehab and release injured wildlife—in celebrating over a decade of giving wildlife a second chance. You can also be a Wild Spirits sponsor or donate an item for the silent auction. Call ESWC for information.

Male Golden Eagle who was reunited with his mate after recovery. Photo by Peggy Hankings

Male Golden Eagle who was reunited with his mate after recovery.
Photo by Peggy Hankings

“Here in the Eastern Sierra, we live up close and personal with wild birds, mammals and reptiles. Hundreds of people each year contact us about wild animals that need our services. People care; they want to help,” said ESWC Director Cindy Kamler. “Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care has been giving that help for close to twenty years and are grateful to our generous and compassionate community for supporting our work. Wild Spirits is our way of saying ‘Thank you.’ ”

Win a door prize, snack on great food, sip your beverage of choice and check out silent auction items:  photographs, paintings, sculpture, jewelry, ceramics; gift certificates for restaurants, beauty salons, and more. Buy for yourself or pick up gifts for the holidays. Meet our Wildlife Ambassadors Spirit the Red-tailed Hawk, Razzle the Raven, desert tortoises and other reptiles.  Take a break and watch our slide show featuring ESWC’s wild patients.

Juvenile American Badger learning burrowing and hunting.

Juvenile American Badger learning burrowing and hunting.

Join the Wild Spirits celebration on Sunday, October 25th, 6-8 pm, Mountain Light Gallery, Main and Line, Bishop. There’s a $15 donation at the door (kids 12 and under free) and every dollar raised goes to the care of orphaned and injured wildlife and educating our community about our wild neighbors. Here’s your chance to have a great evening and give those injured Eagles and baby Hummingbirds a second chance.  For more info, call 760-872-1487.


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