Water SprinklersCITY OF BISHOP Public Works News Release

Conserving Precious Water

Spring has arrived in Bishop and temperatures are up. The increased temperatures have brought

increased water use, so now is a good time to remember what can be done to conserve this

precious resource, and save money too.

Water use in the City of Bishop is always high, especially during the warm parts of the year. In

fact, water use in Bishop is several times the national average and is high even considering our

hot arid summer climate. Reducing the amount of water used reduces the amount of electricity

needed to pump the water out of the ground and it allows water rates to be as low as possible. In

addition, saving water is just the right thing to do.

Irrigation: Irrigation of lawns and landscaping uses the most water in Bishop by far. A huge

amount of water is wasted by over-watering lawns and plants in the yard. Just water what your

lawn and plants need, no more.

Gutter Water: A clear indicator of over-watering is irrigation water running into the street

gutter. Water running down the street is a distressingly familiar sight this time of year and is

prohibited by Bishop law.

Water Mornings: In most cases watering in early morning is best to get the water to your plants

and lawn. But, whenever you choose to water, avoid watering in the heat of the day.

Adjust Sprinklers: Well adjusted sprinkler heads and properly timed automatic sprinkler

controls waste less water. Check your sprinkler heads to make sure water is going just where it

should and check your automatic controls to make sure the time and duration your sprinklers

operate is right.

Thirsty Plants: Landscaping with native plants and other plants that aren’t so thirsty is

becoming more popular. Swapping your thirsty plants with ones that are less thirsty (and still

look great) will save a lot of water over the years.

Indoors: Most Bishop water is used outside but saving water inside can add up too. Don’t leave

water running if you don’t need it and replace fixtures with water saving types.

Incentives: The City of Bishop offers water conservation incentives to its customers in the

forms of giveaways and rebates.

Saving water saves money and reduces water rates and is the right thing to do. Contact the City

of Bishop Department of Public Works at 873-8458 for more information on water conservation

and the City’s water system.

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