Monday, two Mammoth Lakes Police Officers were sworn in to go to work for the Mono County Sheriff’s Office. Mammoth Police Chief Dan Watson said he was there for the ceremony which turned two of his officers into deputies – Dan Casabian and David Scobie. That leaves the MLPD with eleven police officers out of the previous seventeen.
The number will drop to the Town Council-desired ten officers when Lieutenant John Mair’s current contract ends in July. The police officer MOU guaranteed a full staff through July. Mair had retired but came back on contract. Chief Watson said another officer is “processing with a department down south”. That would possibly lead to another vacancy.
How does he schedule patrols with a more than 40% cut from his previous force? Chief Watson responded that MLPD is short-handed with no more than two police officers on duty and none between 3am and 7am. The Chief is most concerned with the late evening hours when the Department used to have four officers on duty and now it is two.
Watson told of how a few weeks ago one officer was at the hospital with a DUI suspect when a bar incident broke out. The other officer had to respond alone to multiple fights in a parking lot. Chief Watson said it turned out okay but when the Town is full and people are drinking the situation can turn dangerous.
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After reading the lengthy report on the treatment of Mono County”s Deputy Madrid,(friday,the 15th) and the hell that the higher-ups put him through, these 2 officers may regret their choice.
I have never heard of such chicken-sh#t , demeaning, unprofessional and egregious treatment of a veteran peace officer, BY HIS OWN AGENCY in my life. Ex-Sheriff Scholl knew that this was coming to light, that’s why got out…while the getting was good.
Were these officers scheduled for the chopping block, or did they leave MLPD on their own account?
They left on their own account, although it was clear to everyone that the Town Council expected a $1.2 million cut from the
Mammoth Police Department by July. Since 75% or so of the budget is personnel, the cuts were expected to be seven officers.
Several times, Town Administration and Council said they would cut seven positions.
Benett Kessler
I’m no public safety expert, but if most nasty crimes occur in the wee hours, why not reduce the number of officers on duty during the daytime and put them on the night shift? Im a bit perplexed why this is not the norm in the first place.
There are only two officers on at any given time of the day or night. Officers cannot and will not work alone without a back up officer. They are at below bare bones now. They must avoid making arrests unless absolutely necessary because they would have to find someone to call out to transport to Bridgeport.
It would be very interesting to see arrest and report stats from four years ago when they were at full staff to now. The cops are totally reactive now, not proactive.
The S.O.’s gain is the TOML’s loss. 🙁
Good luck and stay safe Dan and Dave!
B. Richter
CERT member
It sure looks like they got what they wanted.
What I want to know is if they were able to force Wilbrect out to save money.
Why don’t they do the same to Watson?
Maybe they are.
The next thing we will hear is that “it’s all up to Watson” Meaning take a huge cut or go!
I’d hate to be in these positions.
It all seems highly unethical.
Mono County is lucky to get these officers. I continue to think that the reduction in our Police Department is short-sighted and incredibly irresponsible, and that the eventual costs to the community will far outweigh the short-term “benefits.” But I could be wrong!
Should have said, I hope I am wrong.
I don’t think it is irresponsible at all. Irresponsible is hiring people you can’t afford to pay. If you can’t feed the kids because the wife got her nails done again, my advise is to get rid of the wife.
The bars need to hire private security or take responsibility . Why should all the tax payers pay for extra police for that?
I agree Trouble. In my younger days, I worked part-time as a bouncer at a popular night spot. One of my responsibilities was to monitor who had a bit too much to drink. It isn’t hard to tell. When fights broke out, you and the other bouncers would escort the two miscreants outside. We would let them go to do their thing, until one was getting the better of the other, then we would intervene.
Extra police were never needed and no riots every materialized.
wacha gonna do when they come for you