Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for July 26, 2024





Interim Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez In the confusion of a fast-forward budget and crashing debt, one more report surfaced – that Interim Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez wanted to be the Town Finance Director. When asked about that, Martinez said an emphatic, “No.”

Marysheva-Martinez told Sierra Wave that she has never been interested in a finance director position. She did say she has expressed interesting in helping the Town with it’s situation. The Interim Manager said there are three areas on which she will focus until the end of her stint.

She said she will concentrate on the ongoing information sharing with Mammoth Lakes Land Acquisition as it may lead to a settlement. She will also focus on policies and procedures for internal controls, including TOT enforcement. Finally, the Interim Manager will focus on personnel matters – documentation and creation of clearly identified rules.

When asked about the possibility of Martinez serving as Mammoth’s Finance Director, Councilman Rick Wood said he had heard people “promoting the hiring of Martinez as finance director. Wood said it is Town Manager Dave Wilbrecht who has that authority.

But, Marysheva-Martinez’s own denial speaks for itself.

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