Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for December 14, 2024





TIHPBy Deb Murphy

To assess the situation at Toiyabe Indian Health Project, you have to look at bits and pieces of information surrounding the suspension of four administrators a month ago.

  • Action taken by Bishop City Council may indicate the suspension is instead “staffing changes.” The Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding, initiated by Toiyabe, to take over administration of the Eastside Bike Share Program because staffing changes limited Toiyabe’s “capacity to administer the program.” The MOU transferred $65,000 of grant funding to the City to cover the cost of managing the program.
  • Flyers have been circulated in the area requesting those concerned with a loss of medical care to contact Indian Health Services’ director Beverly Miller ([email protected]). According to a source familiar with the operations of the federal agency, the Service is reluctant to step into a situation unless medical care is jeopardized. The flyer states “valuable employees” have already left and “other providers and support staff are considering employment elsewhere.”
  • A letter to Toiyabe’s Board of Directors, dated July 28 and signed by 19 members of the medical staff, expresses concern the suspensions are “detrimental to Toiyabe’s reputation, health services and staff morale.” The letter goes on to ask that the administrators return to work, with mediation, “while the investigation of allegations proceeds.” It goes on to state “we are faced with deadlines for critical projects… maintenance of major grant and loan requirements that we cannot allow to fail.” The 19 signers received disciplinary action.

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