Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 18, 2025





UPDATE: Potential Power Shutoffs Impact on 6/29/20 Special Board Meeting on Tioga Pass Specific Plan Amendment Public Meeting MIGHT BE Moved to Tuesday, June 30.

As many of you may be aware, Southern California Edison (SCE) has issued a notice for a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) for Sunday afternoon, June 28. If power goes off, the County realizes the public may not be able to submit comments by the deadline of June 29 at 9 AM for consideration by the Board of Supervisors at the public hearing on the Tioga Inn Specific Plan Amendment project and, depending on when power is restored, may not be able to access the remote meeting.

In order to maintain a fair and equitable process and public hearing, Monday’s meeting will be adjourned to Tuesday morning, June 30,  at 9:00 am if the power goes off this (Sunday) afternoon. If power is not restored countywide by Monday at 2 pm, then Tuesday’s hearing will be adjourned to a future date and time certain. In either case, written comments may be submitted up to the start time of the adjourned Board meeting. After the meeting starts, the public may provide comment via the remote meeting webinar.

If power does not go off this (Sunday) afternoon, the meeting will proceed as planned on Monday, June 29, at 9 am.



The Mono County Board of Supervisors will conduct a Public Hearing on the Tioga Inn Specific Plan Amendment, June 29, at 9:05 am.

Physical Meeting Location: Board Chambers, 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Webinar Information: and enter Meeting ID: 984-7833-3904
Teleconference Information: (669) 900-6833 and enter Webinar ID 984-7833-3904

The Plan Amendment and subsequent Environmental Impact Report proposes an addition of 150 new workforce housing bedrooms in up to 100 units, a third gas pump island and overhead canopy, parking, a package wastewater treatment system, a replacement water tank, a 30,000 gallon propane tank and modifications to the boundaries and land use designations in the existing Specific Plan which also allows for a hotel and restaurant. No changes are proposed to the hotel and restaurant components.

Space will be limited at the physical meeting location, the Board Chambers, Suite Z, Minaret Village Mall, 437 Old Mammoth Road, Second Floor, Mammoth Lakes.  A sign-up to reserve a physical seat at the meeting will be made available at a later date online at



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