Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 17, 2025






On September 23, 2021, T-Mobile announced 25 lucky small towns awarded with Hometown Grants to jumpstart vital community development projects to re-energize towns and build upon what makes them unique. The Town of Mammoth Lakes was the only small, rural town in California to be awarded with $50,000 to build a community dog park.  

Over the next five years, T-Mobile plans to hire 7,500 new employees in small towns and rural communities and provide $25 million in grants for community development projects. 

“As a recipient of the T-Mobile Hometown Grant program, we are now one-step closer to installing a free, pet-friendly dog park that will not only promote community inclusion and socialization for both dog owners and their pets, but will ultimately build a stronger, safer and happier community of Mammoth Lakes.” Stuart Brown, Town of Mammoth Lakes Parks and Recreation Director.  

“Mammoth Lakes residents and visitors have long needed a dog park to provide our dogs with a safe place to play off leash and a place where dog lovers can safely gather to swap animal tales, particularly important in this prolonged pandemic. We are incredibly grateful to T-Mobile and the Town of Mammoth Lakes for helping make our dreams come true!” Barb Maynard, Pawsitively Mammoth.  

Representatives from T-Mobile will be in attendance at the October 6, 2021, Town Council meeting to present the check to the Town of Mammoth Lakes.  Community advocates, members of the Recreation Commission and Town staff will be participating in the presentation.  

A community dog park is a project identified in the 2021/22 Town of Mammoth Lakes Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and the 2021 Parks and Recreation Department Strategic Workplan. This project is partially funded by a $100,000 allocation from the General Fund approved by Town Council on September 1, 2021. The Town is in discussion with multiple agencies to secure a visible, accessible, and sustainable site for a community dog park.  

For additional information about the proposed Mammoth Lakes community dog park, please contact Stuart Brown, Parks and Recreation Director: [email protected], or (760 965-3696. 


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