Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for July 27, 2024





mltc1_23At just after 7pm Monday night, Mammoth Mayor Matthew Lehman said that the Council had just walked out of their closed session focused on Town Manager Dave Wilbrecht. The Mayor said there was nothing new to report and that the Council would meet again on this subject in a closed session before the Wednesday night regular Town Council meeting.

Asked about the report that Town Manager Wilbrecht is currently on administrative leave, Mayor Lehman said he did not recall the exact date that the leave occurred. Asked what the status of the Town Manager is, the Mayor said he could not comment. He referred us to Town Attorney Andy Morris for what could legally be shared.

To speculation that the Council may be planning to appoint Assistant Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez to the top spot. Asked about that, Mayor Lehman said, “There are a lot of balls in the air. We’re looking at a lot of options, but until we decide what to do with the existing Town Manager, I can’t comment.”

The situation in Mammoth Town government deals with confidential personnel matters but a topic of intense public interest – who will run the daily affairs of government if Mr. Wilbrecht is out, and what happened to cause his placement on administrative leave? So far, Town Council members have said very little.

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