Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 18, 2025





Press release

March 1, 2016. Lone Pine, CA. After extensive work by the hospital’s new partner, Healthcare Conglomerate Associates (HCCA), effective Tuesday, March 1, Southern Inyo Hospital has reopened to serve the healthcare needs of residents of and visitors to the Southern Inyo Healthcare District.


HCCA’s Alan Germany, the hospital’s Chief Restructuring Officer announced today that “All departments are fully staffed and ready to take on a full range of services, including the emergency department, acute care, laboratory, radiology, physical therapy and the skilled nursing facility. The SIHD Rural Health Clinic has remained open and can once again refer patients to the hospital for further treatment.”

The reopening was made possible when the California Department of Public Health reinstated the hospital license today following a rigorous inspection carried out over three days in the previous week. At the exit interview the inspection team had requested documentation showing that a short list of deficiencies had been addressed, and upon receiving proof that the hospital is in full compliance the CDPH issued the license.

In addition to a thorough look at the physical plant, equipment, supplies, dietary services, staffing, credentialing, training, by-laws, policy and procedure manuals, and all other operational aspects of the hospital, the survey team also gathered information on hospital finances and the new management team and board members.

“I would like to acknowledge the support and trust of the entire southern Inyo community in helping accomplish the goal of the hospital reopening,” said Jaque Hickman, Board Vice-President. “In addition the staff has done everything asked of them and more. Most of all the Clinic staff has literally ‘made do’ and provided their usual wonderful patient care in this time of great stress and limited resources. We are a team- thanks everyone!”

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