The controversial California Senate Bill 1148 grinds through the legislature this week. Former Mono County Senator Dave Cogdill first reported that the bill would cut funds for state hatcheries and the trout planting program. Since then, he has worked to defeat the bill and now to make changes in it through talks with SB 1148 sponsor, Cal Trout.
Cogdill said his meeting last week with Cal Trout, their lobbyists and private hatchery representatives “went well.” Cogdill said, “We are still working through the fine points of our proposed amendments but reached considerable consensus on language that would strengthen AB 7, and improve wild and heritage trout programs.”
Cogdill had worked for several years to get AB 7 approved. That bill assures funding for hatcheries and for wild trout programs. All sides admit that the bill has never fully been implemented.
Cogdill said the author of SB 1148 has now removed the portions of the bill relating to lawsuits that “caused the business community heartburn and as a result,” he said, “got the bill out of the Assembly Appropriations committee.” Cogdill said that movement of the bill will make it harder to defeat.
Cogdill and others have managed to get these changes:
The language calling for the creation of an Independent Science Panel to oversee all trout programs has been removed.
The language changing the priority of the Hatchery and Inland Fisheries Fund to Heritage and Wild Trout programs has been removed.
The requirement to genetically mark hatchery produced fish has been removed.
Cogdill has other proposed amendments that are under consideration. They are these items:
Maintain Fish and Game’s current practice of periodically planting brood stock.
State that one of the intentions of the bill is the “Continued maintenance and enhancement of California’s historic hatchery system”.
Remove existing language that states “funding for Heritage and Wild Trout waters is a priority for the hatchery and fisheries fund.
Allow for the current $2,000,000 annual allotment from the fisheries fund for Heritage and Wild Trout be adjusted annually to coincide with license fee increases.
Cogdill is providing regular updates for the Eastern Sierra.
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Of course “no one has shown any connections or politicians getting rich off fishing.”
They know accepting monies, favors, influence, etc. is legal under our existing corrupt system.
But as the going gets toughter, the corrupt will become even more corrupt.
Be the first on the block (town, county, state, country) to initiate a legal agreement, signed by all elected officials, that under pain of monetary fines, the elected official will never think of using their power or influence to promote or aid any business venture, be it property development, construction, small business, big business …
It’s the only way to curb corruption within our government.
No elected official will intentionally mislead or offend the people. All statements made by an elected official must, at all times, be truthful. No elected official will falsely represent issues to the people. This includes making promises that the elected official knows cannot be kept, or making promises that seem unlikely to be kept.
No elected official will misrepresent their own abilities, education, training, standards of performance, certifications, or experiences to others. No elected official will claim to have political beliefs or affiliations they do not, nor will they disavow political beliefs or affiliations they hold.
No elected official will participate when in a conflict of interest. If a politician is found to be in an unintentional conflict, he or she must immediately act to end it or be considered to be knowingly in a conflict. A conflict must be ended immediately, even if it threatens the position or reputation of the elected official.
Organizations committed to stopping corruption in government:
Not sure you can legislate self-honesty.
What’s the penalty for violation?
Currently there are no penalties for violation. (And don’t think for a minute that the elected officials don’t know this).
And this is the biggest problem we taxpayers must face as corruption is running rampant in all levels of government.
But as a start, have an attorney draft a agreement for all town and county elected officials to sign stating they agree to pay huge fines if caught violating the conflict of interest clause.
Unfortunately a verbal oath is not enough today. They must have their feet held to the fire.
Interesting that one person above gave a thumbs down to anti-corruption ideas. I wonder who that elected official is?
Dr. Facts, you can call me Dr. trouble, or Big Dr. …. or call me ray .. or youse can call me ray jay .. but you don’t have to call me AL or Big if you don’t like .. hehe.
Our licencse fee pay for the game wardens Mr Wilderbeast. Call them if you can back up your claims. Nonprofit means little anymore. Many of our nonprofit leaders make and spend millions on themselves. CalTrout is not there to improve fishing. Catch and release, wealthy fly fishermen are the only ones that will appreciate the work they really do.
Trouble said, “CalTrout is not there to improve fishing. Catch and release, wealthy fly fishermen are the only ones that will appreciate the work they really do.”
And many thousands of people in this State would argue that this, precisely, does improve fishing! And they spend a lot of money here locally.
Show me the money! No one has shown any connections or politicians getting rich off of fishing. Just a bunch of whiny finger pointing at ghosts. Will this bill stop the Bishop locals from poaching from the Wild Trout Section of the Owens using bait every night and filling ice chests with fish?
Show me the fish! … in the ice chests … and maybe freezers .. there has to be a ton of them out there by now .. chests full of fish every night.
Bill-Codgill sure seems to have been fighting for them for a long time. Every thing he seems to do will certainly benefit Cal-Trout if he prevails. I enjoy the great fishing our hatcheries provide us up here for over a hundred years and don’t want it taken away .
What 3 people?
I believe the person in the aquaculture industry can answer that for you.
one and the same- I assure you that I have not used any other names except for my real name which is not Big Al. If you don’t agree with what I say about Cal-Trout say so. Somethings ex-senator Cogdill says don’t appear to disclose the fact that he has had close ties to Cal-Trout since at least 2006. Google his name and Cal-Trout and you will see he was given awards by Cal- Trout in 2006. The Golden Trout Award. Then he comes on here and acts like he is just learning about what cal-Trout is trying to do and just now working with them. Sounds fishy to me.
You can call me Big Trouble if you wish.
To Trouble… LOL… The relationship between the Codgill and Cal Trout is anything but rainbows, roses, and unicorns. There’s no conspiracy.
They have been political allies at times, when it may have benefitted Codgill. But political unions are more like “frienenemies” than BFF’s.
To Bill … LOL … next you’ll try to tell us politicians have no ties to business.
Publish your address and I’ll send you a map to help you find your way home.
I never said that, “politicians have no ties to business”. History is rich with examples… of course they do! Politicians respond to their constituents.
But somehow a discussion on SB1148 and related issues have morphed into a debate about education and education administrators and now political corruption??!!?!
There are several comments (likely from the same 1 person) that allege that a certain politician is corrupt because he spent a lifetime as a “trout patriot” and now wants to bring more attention to fisheries issues as a local Supervisor.
The times-they-are-a-changin, Bill.
What used to work before, no longer works today.
A quick study of the masses of people in attendance at the many art festivals, musical concerts, beer, wine and tequila tasting, food tasting, more art, more music, etc. and the amount of $$$ pouring into the restaurant, lodging, of Mammoth Lakes this summer, clearly indicate that today’s tourist wants a vastly more varied vacation experience than … what used to be.
Its the future. Live with it and adjust accordingly. Lots of people in the service sector are depending on it.
Bill- I never used the word conspiracy. Since you seem to know so much about Codgill and Cal-Trout, can you tell me why a ex-republican senator is working so hard with a very liberal enviormental operation?
Trouble- I was going to respond to this very point after your comments below (to clarify) but frankly, I’ve grown tired of all BS rhetoric and just want to wait and see if the SB1148 goes anywhere.
To answer your question… They are not working well together! I’ll use the term “Frienenemies”. Codgill does not like SB1148!! And has made very misleading accusations regarding the bill from the get-go spreading misinformation! I guess I can see the confusion you have, the above article is a bit confusing esp. if you think Codgill was in cahoots w/ Cal Trout all long (further from the truth).
While it’s true that Cal Trout has worked w/ the ex Senator in the past… they had to… he was a Senator in congress and they/he needed each other’s support to get anything achieved that benefitted the fish! Politics make strange bed fellows!!
Codgill failed to get any progress on AB-7 multiple times… after Cal Trout came aboard throwing in their support for AB-7 after adding some stipulations for increased focus on wild & native trout, the bill finally passed. It was a version more moderate and balanced when considering hatchery budgets vs. wild & native fish programs. BOTH of these are important.
Bill- I appreciate your answer and admit I have likely been a little hard on Codgill. I still hope Cal-Trout goes belly up.
Look at it this way, Bill,
The service sector of any tourist destination is made up of hundreds of people in the restaurant, lodging, entertainment, grocery, gas etc. businesses. Hundreds are dependent on this.
The number of people involved in the fish industry are only 3.
I believe a government should care for its constituents – but not at the exclusion of the majority.
It’s the way this economy works, Bill.
Please explain what you mean by only 3 involved in the fish industry.
Again, explain only 3 people.
Certainly you’re not suggesting we taxpayers bail out the fish industry (that only 3 people are profiting from) ?
Isn’t that socialism?
What 3 people?
Good luck with that Benett
then you go get the permits,insurance,place of operation ect. good luck
A bill more important than SB1148. Remember what happened when Enron got into the deregulated electricity market in the late ’90’s. Remember how your electric bill quadrupled and has never been as cheap as it was before deregulation? Same, same for the deregulated bandwidth providers.
Fundamentally, the carriers claim that they’re “speakers” under the First Amendment – just like The New York Times – and that therefore any regulation of them is unconstitutional. This is a breathtaking assertion that you will hear them repeat over and over again in the coming years. It is emphatically not true. They are utilities, like water and electricity, whose facilities were built using public assets and are subject to oversight and regulation. Both Congress and the state Legislatures have the power to tell them what to do. Without this oversight, none of the online companies in California would have been founded. The speech of three hundred million citizens in America is what’s important, not that of a handful of network owners.
Burning down the house. That’s what SB 1161 does. Governor Brown shouldn’t sign this bill.
And speaking of elected officials –
According to our newspapers, three Mono County supervisors Hansen, Hunt and Johnston, are ferociously lobbying for the county to pick up the tab (taxpayer’s dollars) for the Mammoth Dog Sled Adventures business. This would include property, dwelling place for the owner, and who knows what else in the package? Food? Gas? (Nobody asked us if this might be a terrific idea at such a precarious economic time.)
Why not relocate this private enterprise to June Lake where there are numerous vacant buildings, property, etc., and have June Lake help subsidize that business that may result in a much-needed increase in tourism and tourist dollars to that area?
As June Lake is in such dire straits, it would make total sense to acquire The Dog Sled Aventures business set it up in June Lake, and heavily promote it. But not with MY tax dollars.
“Why should our tax dollars go to fisheries?
There are those getting rich from million dollar subsidies to the fisherie.
While money for education disappears.?”
Talk (gossip) is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is….who is getting rich and where?
Show me the proof….otherwise it’s just another blowhard sounding off.
By the way Wilderbeast is ranting about this, it sounds like a person who is in the fishing industry. Could this be the kind of person who tells the world they have divested their interest in something, gets elected, and then focuses on how that industry can profit?
That’s in-your-face-corruption in anybody’s book.
Unfortunately it is entirely legal and some of our sleazier elected officials do this crap all the time. Who is to know what they’re really up to (‘for the people’) unless their tax returns are examined and huge monetary fines are put into place when you catch them in the act?
Beware when elected officials own or have their fingers in fisheries.
Why should our tax dollars go to fisheries?
There are those getting rich from million dollar subsidies to the fisherie.
While money for education disappears.
How about tax dollars to educate me on how to catch bigger fish?
“Why should our tax dollars go to fisheries?”
Are you serious, or just naive??
Nearly all the CA DFG budget comes from the sale of sport licenses to anglers and hunters!!! It’s like a “play to pay” tax on the interest groups that participate.
It’s infuriating that few people understand the fact that hunters and anglers (through tag sales, licenses, special stamps, etc) raise millions and millions of dollars that protect, preserve and conserve habitat for millions of waterfowl, upland game, big game and fish and other non game species.
Entire wildlife refuges and millions of acres of wetlands and other open space throughout the country have been created by the fund raising efforts of “Sportsman’s groups” and other conservation organizations over the years!!
…and the owners of those fisheries make a bundle.
The only people that “own fisheries” are the citizens of CA!!!! There’s a phenomenal amount of public accessible water in CA.
Smells Fishy, and corruption and fish, please expand on your opinions please, because it’s hard to understand your point with short sound bites.
Until is it illegal for an elected official to accept on thin dime from any source, ie., previous ownership, silent partership, etc., or use their influence for subsidies, etc., the system you have in place will be a corrupt one.
Suggested code of ethics for elected officials to curtail corruption:
No elected official will participate when in a conflict of interest. If a politician is found to be in an unintentional conflict, he or she must immediately act to end it or be considered to be knowingly in a conflict. A conflict must be ended immediately, even if it threatens the position or reputation of the elected official.
Just because an elected official states they have divested their previous business ventures in meaningless until strict fines are in place for their non-ethical actions.
Bill, I think what these people are pointing at .. is hatcheries such as Alpers hatchery, there are some that produce fish for the state such as Alpers.
I believe they profit from the business .. I am not talking against them, just pointing out a possible scenarios.
It’s getting a little confusing now w/ all the comments and reply’s to one another…
Hopefully Benett will follow this story as SB 1148 – when there are more details to address – and we can all sort it out.
I do believe there are major misunderstandings and almost “black helicopter” paranoia regarding the condition of our local fisheries… Everything from LADWP dynamics, DFG hatchery stocking dynamics, wild trout vs. native trout vs. yellow legged frogs and fish in the backcountry to even those who feel that sport fishing should just go away (PETA, CfBD. etc). Fishing arguments are aplenty.
Fishing is a major economic force in the eastern Sierra. Many choose to ignore this, but it is still a really big deal here. I also feel that the reality of “fishing as we know it” will change dramatically in our lifetimes… for better or for worse.
It’s up to those who care about fishing to have a vision for the future. We need to get the diverse interest groups together to help create a plan – otherwise things will get more nasty and political. What type if fisheries do we want? What type of rules and regulations, accessibility, productiveness, wild/native/stocked etc…
The dynamic of the hatchery stocked paradigm (whether private farms or State hatchery program) vs. Wild fish vs. Native fish is a topic ripe for emotional arguments from a multitude of diverse groups of people. State and Federal laws will dictate our direction more and more in the future, and then there’s the “anti” fishing crowd.
Anglers will be better served uniting, not dividing.
Lastly, on the implication that certain individuals or even politicians making “boatloads of money” off fishing… Anybody who runs for political office, whether it be Council, Supervisor or State Senator – has a history, a past career, a passion for something, a special interest. People who serve in public positions do so because at the root, they care about something deeply.
I could care less whether Tim Alpers once owned a fish farm and now is a County Supervisor. I think it’s great actually! He divested his financial interest so he could legally run for office – he got elected by the citizens of this County largely because he CARES about the legacy, history, experiences, and economic viability of fishing, among other things. Voters knew Tim’s history, it’s come up before, and he was still elected by a landslide.
Corruption- I think your wrong- if Caltrout gets their way here it likely would lead to subsidies. But right now from what understand most all of their money comes from California’s fisherman licenses. Not taxes. Caltrout is trying to take over the hatcheries by making them private.
I hereby divest all my holdings to so-and-so fish companyso can focus on serving the public instead.
And the best way to serve the public is to focus on the fish industry.
Conflict of interest? Nah. I’m merely serving the public.
Note: Until a code of ethics is put into place requiring all elected officials to sign a statement that states: “In the event of my actions that ulimately result in profiteering accruing for any former business associate, etc. I solemnly swear to pay the fine of $_______,” and/or, the citizens may examine at any time my tax returns for the period of _______, ”
(and understanding how many ways there are to hide money), –
the system you have in place will always be a corrupt one.
A person that claims to no longer have any interest in a particular industry, then as an elected official announces he’ll do whatever it takes to assist that industry is clearly ________ _________ (fill in the blanks)
Divest said…
“I hereby divest all my holdings to so-and-so fish companyso can focus on serving the public instead.
And the best way to serve the public is to focus on the fish industry.
Conflict of interest? Nah. I’m merely serving the public.”
Why do you think he was elected in the first place? Voters recognized and supported this exact reason for Tim Alpers running for Supe, again.
Anybody who runs for a political office has a history. All people have a “special interest”. It is up to the public (voters) to keep a watchful on THEIR elected officials. Elected officials are required to recuse for voting when there is a conflict of interest or direct economic gain from a particular agenda.
It’s a question of ethics, Bill. And as a citizen, voter,and taxpayer, it is our duty to hold politicians’ feet to the fire when things sound fishy.
To disprove any allegation, simply have the politician to agree to making their tax returns public each year. The politician who is on the up-and-up will have no problem with this request.
Anybody who is refusing an anti-corruption statement to be put into place for our elected officials is clearly part of the corruption problem.
(see 3 thumbs down above)
I’m sorry but please stop spreading fallacies. You should learn more about AB 7 and SB1148 before commenting – along with DFG budgets and Cal Trout org.
This whole ordeal has been rife with misrepresentation from the beginning.
And Benett, usually I admire and appreciate your journalism along Eastside, but you have not done a fair job representing CalTrout’s motives in any of these articles. Sighting only Codgill’s opinion of SB1148 is not fair and balanced. Please post the press release of Caltrout’s refutal to Cogdill’s claims and represent both sides.
And for the record I am a full supporter of fish stocking, hatcheries, private fish farms and wild trout where appropriate. They all have their place and respective qualities in our huge State of CA.
Here, for the antagonists in the crowd… please read this before throwing any more stones and pitchforks.
Benett, in the name of fair and balanced journalism, please post this as an article. Keep up the good work, I know it’s tough sometimes to cover both sides but I feel that there’s been a lot of misrepresentation on this very touchy issue.
Whenever the possibility of halting corruption from an elected official materializes, it is the duty of the citizens to do whatever they can to halt the runaway corruption that exists today.
Why can’t the elected officials agree to sign a statement agreeing to pay huge fines if they are caught “sending business” to their pals?
Interesting article Bill
Bill-I have taken the time to read your attachment . That is clearly Cal-Trouts side of the story. It seems to me like Cal-Trout will say , do, or change any thing to take control of a large portion of our fishing waters and license fees. I question their motives to say the least.
Hmmm. How interesting.
“Big Al” (who is he kidding with the “Mr. Big” nonsense?) posts at 1:20.
At 1:29 “Trouble” posts at 1:29 both are in agreement with each other on the topic.
Easy to call oneself anything they like on blogs like this.
Who does this guy think he’s fooling?
And this is the sad state of affairs today. People are haveing “trouble” with the simple truth.
LOL Dr. Facts .. you can think what you like and try to feed people what you like .. buddy .. I look forward to see what it next ..
Bill, when it gets down to it, Joe Citizen doesn’t give a rat’s (you know what), if someone’s fishery falls on hard times or not.
What disgusts them is the in-your-face corruption that occurs and the belief that their elected official would never dream of deceiving them.
And that’s why they will be “antagonistic” in your eyes.
And by the way, judging the extreme length of one of your postings above “Bil,l” I’m reminded of what was taught in school.
You might recall it as well:
“You can always tell the liar by the longest tale.”
Not saying you are trying to influence anyone with any untruths, but you might as well understand how the voter and taxpayer views things political/business-wise today.
I did post Caltrout’s entire press release as soon as they sent it, including
quotes from it in a follow up story after initial comments by Cogdill. My efforts
to call Caltrout on the first story were fruitless – the rep here was on vacation
and headquarters in San Francisco only answered with a computer.
You didn’t look close enough at our stories.
Benett Kessler
Apologies for not seeing it Benett, but I still believe most of the coverage regarding SB1148 has been slanted by Cogdill’s take on the whole thing.
Please continue to follow the story…
To A Perception…
You said, “Joe Citizen doesn’t give a rat’s (you know what), if someone’s fishery falls on hard times or not.”
I disagree, especially here in the Eastern Sierra where fishing is still a a really big deal.
“I know because What disgusts them is the in-your-face corruption that occurs and the belief that their elected official would never dream of deceiving them.”
Who, exactly, are you referring to? Name them.
“You can always tell the liar by the longest tale.”
What I said above is mostly (my) subjective opinion.
“Not saying you are trying to influence anyone with any untruths”
Do you feel that I am lying about my own opinion?
“but you might as well understand how the voter and taxpayer views things political/business-wise today.”
Yes, of course, today’s voter and taxpayer has much reason to feel cynical, frustrated, angry, cheated, robbed, etc etc.
The times we live in today, I believe, our society (and this community in general) is becoming reactionary, divided, overly anxious and uncompromising. (See average comment on Sierra Wave) We need to choose our battles. We cannot constantly nit pick and deny there is no such thing as benevolent leadership… if you are fearful and have no confidence in true benevolent leaders, then please RUN FOR OFFICE and be a part of the solution!
Everybody loves fish.
Everybody loves the fisherman.
But when an elected official (or his silent partners, etc.) personally capitalizes from his actions- that is clearly corruption.
What corruption?
Benett Kessler
Tim was elected to Supervisor, by the people, for the people… which obviously contained many who value someone who values the fishing experience. He has only ONE vote.
A far greater number of people; tackle shops, accommodation providers, restaurants, retail shops, fishing guides, marinas, etc etc will benefit with his increased support of the fishing industry in the eastern Sierra. Do you think that IAG (Alpers Trout) are going to make millions of dollars now that he is a Supervisor for Mono Co??
Good grief.
Seems to me when a government sticks their nose into private enterprise – that is what might be called “socialism.”
And isn’t that one of the dirty words used today that get people elected?
When government sticks its nose into private business it leads to 30 million dollar lawsuits. Very few people in Mono County have learned this even after being educated the hard way.
We haven’t had good value for our education dollar for many years. Education doesn’t need more money, education administrators need to give us more value for our dollar before they deserve another dime.
Betcha Mark has no children and concerns for their future.
I have to question who really thinks “it’s all about me”. A person has to be pretty selfish to bring a life into an over populated World where they’ll spend the rest of their life worrying about their future.
Before an individual or business gives anyone any additional money, one first has to question the value they’re currently getting for their current dollar. If you’re saying education administrators are currently giving us our best value for our dollar perhaps they should be running the entire Country. I think not.
So that’s: Mark has no first hand experience running an educational system, but is fully qualified to make blanket generalized statements like: “We haven’t had good value for our education dollar for many years.” No facts involved. From here it sounds like Mark is the one: “who really thinks “it’s all about me””
And where have you taught Mark?
Mark- their are a lot of great teachers up here. I disagree with every bit of your statement. You put that 30 million dollars into our teachers hands up here instead of another court house and this comunity would thrive again soon. I have kids in school here and most of the teachers have bent over backwards to educate my kids. Plus I think the kids and teachers today have it much harder than we had it. It’s the anti union people that have given our teachers a bad name up here in my opinion.
Amen Trouble
You people are stuck in a rut. I never used the word teachers. I said education administrators.
So you people seriously think administrators are giving us the best value for our education dollar? Well then you should give them a raise!
O.K. Mark, I’ll admit that I jumped to the teachers defense here. But when a guy throws a education comment into a fish hachery story , he sort deserves negitive responses.
about former mono county senator dave cogdill. what is his current position in the state legislature, anyone know. or can anyone show up to the state capital and start bossing people around and get a bill killed in the appropriations committee. sounds real good for the local hatcheries but i’m curious about the release of information that stirred up oposition for bill 1148 by mr. cogdill, then a few weeks later he swoops in and seems to have saved the hatcheries and good fishing in the eastern sierra. maybe i’m a little sceptical but something smells fishy.
Mr. Cogdill is now the Assessor in Stanislaus County. He grew up in Mono County and says he feels strong about the hatcheries.
He negotiated for about three years to get AB 7. He released information about SB 1148 with the belief that it would drain funds
for hatcheries and spend them only on the wild trout programs. Now, he’s back talking with CalTrout.
Benett Kessler
Salblaster- Dave Cogdill was given the Golden Trout award by Cal Trout in 2006 according to his own list of awards as a state senator. I find it hard to believe he is now against the Cal Trout bill now. Cal Trout is trying to get their hands on 33% of our fishing license fees with Cogdill’s total help.