Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 15, 2025





FF1047V Face Covering RequiredMany feel that the revised universal face covering health order with regulatory teeth is long overdue. The hope was that the public would, if not out of respect for the law (and it does have the force of law), wear face coverings out of consideration for the health and safety of others or, if nothing else, common courtesy and civic responsibility.

The lack of enforcement of health orders is a problem seen across the state and across the country. Action,  Sadly, without consequences and enforcement, many have chosen to not take the order seriously.

With the rapid upsurge in COVID-19 cases throughout the state, added to many complaints from the public to law enforcement and public health agencies over the lack of enforcement, action is finally being taken by Inyo County. The county hopes to first use positive persuasion, and then, if that doesn’t work, consequences that could result in a business being ordered closed and/or fined can follow. Non-compliance can result in being fined, incarcerated or both.

Inyo County Public Health Officer, Dr. James Richardson, has issued the following, revised health order concerning the wearing of face masks/face coverings:

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