Press release

Psalm Delgiudice, 11th grade student at Bishop Union High School, gave her speech at the Rotary Club of Bishop’s February 14th noon meeting with the theme “What ‘Rotary Serving Humanity’ means, personally, and in my own words”  for the 2016 – 2017 District 5190 Club level Speech Contest .

Psalm will be representing the club and will enter the area level contest sometime in April.  If she wins at Rotary Psalm Delgiudice fr speech contthat level, Psalm will go to the District Conference May 20thin Reno and compete in the District Speech Contest.

President DeEtte said our members are very proud to have Psalm representing our club and feel she will do well in the area level contest.

Psalm said she decided to enter the Rotary Speech Contest because she was influenced by the good effect Rotary service programs in the community has on her peers.

She also realizes that communication is the key to opening new doorways to today’s youth.  Psalm has plans to become a teacher by getting her Degree in English along with a Degree in Administration with the future prospect of opening her own ”preschool.

Submitted by Pat Nahin

Photo by Ed Nahin

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