– Town of Mammoth Lakes press release
Town Manager Dan Holler is in the process of hiring a new Police Chief for Mammoth Lakes. Holler is finalizing employment negotiations and background checks with Allen L. Davis (Al) to fill the Chief position.
Mr. Davis is currently a Commander with the City of Ventura Police Department, where he started his career in 1982. Al has been engaged in a number of community-based programs, including grant writing and management, oversight of special units, and worked at all levels as he advanced through ranks of the department.
He brings a diversity of skills, abilities and experiences that will greatly benefit the Town of Mammoth Lakes. He is an avid outdoors man, and enjoys hiking, fishing, biking and skiing. Al is not new to the Eastern Sierra’s as he has often recreated in the area.
The selection process went very well with 14 applications being received and five individuals interviewed by a panel of law enforcement professionals and a community/agency panel. Both panels identified the same top two candidates who were each invited to a second round interview process with the Town Manager, meeting with two Council members and a meeting with Police Department employees.
“I was very impressed with the process, the candidates and believe we have a great person in Mr. Davis to serve as Mammoth Lakes new Police Chief” stated Holler. “The Police Chief is a key management position in the Town’s organization and in our work within the community.”
Retiring Chief Dan Watson has served the Town well and is handing over an effective and committed group of sworn and non-sworn personnel that continue to focus on meeting the needs of the public. Having a new Chief in place this December was a Council Priority noted Mayor Jo Bacon and “I am pleased to see that this will be achieved and that we had two very qualified top individuals to select from. I also want to say thank you to those who assisted in the interview process.”
Holler is looking to bring Mr. Davis on by the end of December to allow some time with Chief Watson as part of the transition and to experience the busy holiday season. Final employment terms are not yet complete and the Town will finalize a formal background check along with the required medical and psychological evaluation, prior to Mr. Davis’ start date.
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I personally know the new chief. I may be biased but I know he will do all he can to make improvements where he sees fit. He has always given 110% in his job. He is only 51 years old still young enough to be out there with the rest of the guys. In ventura he was constantly doing charity events, bettering the community, working with new cops to make sure they knew the ropes. I’m proud and excited for him!
Mammoth is a “different animal” when it comes to law enforcement. It will be interesting to see how Chief Davis handles our truly unique community, one which differs from Ventura in some respects.
*Numerous dysfunctional Male/Female co-habitation relationships.
*Bears that are allowed to endanger residents and destroy personal property.
*Our “friendly tourists” who have unusual driving habits.
*The party atmosphere that pushes the envelope on occasions.
Welcome to Mammoth Lakes, Mr. Davis, and enjoy your time here.
Mammoth Lakes is getting a top notch leader as their Police Chief.
It is Ventura’s loss. But glad to see him end up somewhere he will make a difference and enjoy.
The new chief has been on the police force for 32 years .. I give him one or two years in Mammoth until he announces his retirement.
Pensions Gone Wild…
Public safety folks can retire with a full pension after 30 years of service. The fact that this new chief has already worked 32 years and has signed on for more shows that his pension is obviously not first and foremost in his mind.
He is probably “working for free” which is a common thing for really dedicated law enforcement professionals who simple don’t want to retire yet because they love what they do. He can walk (retire) with a 80% or 90% paycheck now which is really 100% of his take home income since he probably had to contribute at least 10% of this income into his PERS retirement. Or something along those lines. We are all just guessing since his retirement is his business. Maybe it is a career goal of his to make Chief.
Chief Davis is very well regarded by his peers from Ventura County. I spoke to some people with rank in Ventura Co agencies and without exception everyone said Davis “is a really good guy”. Both the street cops and community liked him. Sounds like we got a good one here!
I really hate people that rant about Police pensions gone wild…,. I spent 30 years as a cop with LA County and every month I paid 100 percent of my pension contributions, the county contributed nothing monthly. I don’t make a whopping 6 digit retirement income, I earned my retirement and I paid for what I receive every month for 30 years…… I will never receive a penny from social security as I never paid into the system…
Roy, thou i’m not a big fan of our legal system, but raised in the middle of it, I absolutely agree with you! I hope you get every penny you were promised.
This is an excellent choice by the town. Commander Davis is highly regarded in Ventura.
MLPD will do well with Chief Davis.
Welcome to the Eastside Chief Davis.
Welcome aboard Chief Davis. Unfortunately, your success in Mammoth Lakes will be partially dependent on how you deal with our bear problems and Mr. Searles. Please keep your eyes open, watch your back, be an independent thinker, and “don’t feed on our koolaid” when it comes to our bear issues….