By Deb Murphy
Student athletes at Bishop High School will face a new drug, alcohol and tobacco policy this fall as part of the school’s Athletic Code of Conduct, one that Principal Randy Cook said represents a change of philosophy, combining education with accountability.
The changes are significant, requiring an athlete to adhere to state and local laws and school regulations 24/7 both on and off campus. In the case of alcohol or drug violations, athletes will be suspended from the current sport season and required to complete a drug and alcohol education program before the suspension is lifted.
Drug violations will carry the added onus of a disciplinary athletic contract with the school’s Athletic Committee mandating bi-monthly drug testing and setting standards for grades, attendance and behavior. Consequences for tobacco use, including vapor pens and e-cigarettes, is suspension from one third of the athletic contests which will carry into subsequent seasons.
For second offenses, the consequences are ramped up; for additional offenses “it’s time to sit down with that student,” said Athletic Director Stacy VanNest.
The district Board of Trustees approved the policy changes unanimously. Trustee Dr. Eric Richman pointed out that the student chooses the consequence of either participating in the diversion classes or not participating in sports.
“Participating in sports is a privilege,” Cook said introducing the policy changes at Thursday’s special board meeting. “Athletes are held to a higher standard. They can expect accountability 24/7. They represent the school.”
VanNest pointed out that the response from the school’s 26 coaches has been varied. “Most should be on board,” she said. “It gives the athletes a second chance.”
Full details of the policy in the school’s Athletic Code of Conduct will be provided to athletes and their families.
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So who is the scourge of the earth now? Your neighbor who is addicted to meth or heroin or the Mexican and american govts who allow the billionaire cartel boss to escape in a well ventilated lighted tunnel underneath the maximum security prison in beautiful Mexico?
War on drugs is a joke! Put the bankers in prison who launder the money. That’s who the scouge of the earth are. Not the young girl in county jail with an addiction . wake up! Grow up!
Well, I’m sure he has 37 copies of something much better than the watergate tapes in safekeeping around the world. Life insurance.
I have a question for the readers concerning ‘The War On Drugs’
Does anyone remember the movie ‘Blow’ with Johnny Depp? Remember that scene where him and his compadre are counting and filling up an entire apartment with banker boxes full of cash? Now I would assume that this very thing is happening even more today than back in the 80’s, since the drug business is part of the underground economy. right?
Now in the 80’s the gub-ment cracked down on money laundering and made it illegal (Allegedly ). So my question is. How does the Mexican Drug Cartels receive there money?
It’s unlikely to be brought in by 18 wheelers, and unlikely to be brought in by 747’s.
Could it actually be maybe not sure but possibly be laundered from our own banks with consent from the federal government?
It’s just a question I have and I was hoping someone here could help answer for me!
Theee High Water
Buy legal goods through US businesses to ship to Mexico and sell for clean Pesos. Invest Pesos in legitimate business. Buy a few Rembrandts, Bugattis, and race horses while your at it for long term investment. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Eventually buy a president or two until one of your kids becomes one. Not much different than here or anywhere. At least NAFTA is working out for someone.
We clearly have one opinion in common low. Our opinion of Fox. Other than that I think you totally misjudged me again. But this is a blog, not my diary.
Trouble :…That and our opinion about the Big Pine animal shelter(and Lisa Schade) doing a great job !!
Oh,Trouble! I have to call you on the; “this is not my diary” statement.
You are publicly stuck, with every word that you post here, or anywhere else. They are now set in stone, digital stone.
The link back from any blog to your fingertips is also recorded in the same digital stone.
Anonymity in cyberspace is non-existent. Not printing your email address is just a courtesy of this site.
Just because Benett would not publish your name does not mean that someone else won’t.
Russ, I appreciate your advise a concern, but I dont think people should take my words all that seriously. I heard a saying the other day that I enjoyed.
Believe half of what you see and none of which you hear.
Russ, are you issuing thinly veiled threats? You, someone listed as news staff at Sierra Wave. You might want to take your own advice about digital stone.
I think you meant to say “Sierra Wave takes your personal information seriously, will act professionally to protect it and notify you in advance if our policy changes” Right?
Pedro, you may accuse me of preaching, with some validity, but I am threatening no one. I have given that sermon in every class that I have ever taught. Not understanding the ease with which your words and actions on the internet can be traced and are being recorded is potential dangerous for anyone.
I hope that clarifies my intent for you.
I hear you Russ. Sometimes it’s hard to read your intent.
Trouble :…..Somehow I think when they talk of random drug testing at the high school level they’re not talking about looking for drugs….or e-cigarettes…. using cavity searches….let’s not get carried away here…..Have you ever tried out as an anchor for FOX NEWS ?….
Low In do you even read what you comment on?
Mark, I didn’t really mean to support drug testing for anyone when I said that. I was just trying to point out that they are making kids do things that they are not required to do.
Personally I think they should have to have a search waurnt to search a person’s junk 🙂 !
Random drug testing of students will probably not fly. Talking with my friend who is a high school English teacher and coach he said they tried random drug test high school athletes for performance enhancing drugs and that didn’t fly either.
You think the teachers union would allow random testing ?
I like that Trouble. The teachers and administrators should lead by example and submit to random drug testing. I know of a few in the area that would fail.
To Trouble and Mark…
California Education Code allows for random drug testing on every students that competes in any sport or other competition with other schools. In addition, teachers and administrators have random drug testing as a part of their employment contract as do most State, County, and City workers.
As for cost…both Inyo County and Toiyabe have free classes for adolescents and the new diversion class that will be offered will be done by professionals with approved, evidence based curriculum at BUHS for no cost to the student or parents.
Just because they have it, doesn’t make it right. This kids are in school, not jail.
Just think how many of the school athletes this would have effected during your time in high school… its not like our law enforcement or state funded agencies are doing a good job keeping it out of peoples possession.. get with the times people, cut your losses and focus on ACTUAL progress practices and not traditional mindsets.. wheres the DEFAULT button already?
Oh, and another thing. I wonder how all of that cash from the purchase of illegal drugs makes it way back to Mexico to the Mexican drug cartels? I thought the ‘gub-ment’ made sure money laundering was illegal and bankers would be prosecuted if they did such a naughty thing! Hmmmmm! Geeee! It must be going back to Mexico on mule pack teams.
As Cal Trans says ‘ Your Tax Dollars At Work’
Heroin use in U.S. Reaches Epedemic levels
Ask your kids if they have any friends who have tried heroin in Bishop. 40+ years of the “WAR on Drugs” 40 + years of War and look where were at! Billions of dollars just washed down the toilet! not sure what the answer is, but I can tell ya that what are loving smart govt. Leaders are doing ain’t workin!
Just Sayin!!!!
yes, I was shocked when my 19 year old son told me he was at a party at college and saw people coming out of a smoky room. Turns out, they were doing heroin. I knew as a teenager and now as a college student, he would be exposed to drugs, but this blew me away.
It makes me sad that we give kids so little ammo to fight the battle with drugs (and alcohol)
Educate Educate Educate is the only hope we have. Talk to them OPENLY, about what we did and the repercussions it had on us. That way they can learn which drugs TRULY can and will ruin their lives, sometimes after only 1 or 2 uses, and which ones really don’t hurt you (when used reasonably of course).
I can’t believe we still waste money at the DARE program which probably has one of the lowest returns on investment than any program out there. Brainwashing does not work!
High Water…the high heroin use is directly related to prescription pain pills. Heroin eventually becomes cheaper than the pain pills they can no longer get enough of. Sad, that we have corporations making billions with no requirement for them deal with the outflow of drugs they are pushing.
Oh I see how it is! Cut classes, staff, extracurricular activities etc etc. And impose Draconian drug policy to even Include you guessed it NICOTINE!
Never mentioned how it would be paid for did he? Kinda important don’t ya think?
What’s next? This won’t be good enough it never is. Right? INSANITY- doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Well good luck with that BUHS.
You forgot about caffeine!!!
Trouble…..Not really….maybe it’s the adults NOW not wanting to see their kids,and others screwing up their lives when they were young…like some of us did.
I disagree low_agree, especially when it comes to kids. Schools are supposed to teach ,build confidence, help the kids move on to higher education . None of which is accomplished with these measures.
Oh, Trouble….. how silly;
educate and build confidence instead of bully and punish? What a ridiculous idea.
Zero Tolerance! That is how you teach cooperation and understanding! Beat it into them!
It is so much easier and cheaper to just prep the kids for a life in prison than to help them become the thoughtful, aware, knowledgeable citizens we need.
No Mr. Cook, it is not a significant change in policy.
I do not agree with “Zero Tolerance!”
If people go with “zero tolerance” they are leaving out “Human Judgement”, because every situation is different and NOBODY is PERFECT!
It seems school systems continue to reinforce the pipeline of institution to institution, the school institution to prison institution… well played America, that’s how we’ll keep the title of incarceration of own citizens then any other country… well played…
The war on drugs is a war on our own people, ESPECIALLY the poor and powerless!
Trouble;Does your list of what schools are supposed to do include condoning drug and alcohol abuse,as well as sending the message that tobacco use is O.K. and the right thing to do ? Many of US wish that maybe back in the olden days we were threatened with these type of sanctions when we were in high school.If so,maybe a better,happier more productive life would have followed,as well as having a LOT more money in the bank years later if some of us hadn’t gotten into any of the addictions they’re trying to limit with consequences for bad decisions now and not later on in their lives.
Ok low, you like to turn things around with a question. Do you think it’s ok to for a kid to prove he has done nothing wrong or not be allowed to play a sport?
Trouble :.It sounds as if you’d like to turn the classroom into a court of law…..innocent untill proven guilty….with lawyers and a judge present….and a jury.If there is drug testing, and a positive shows up,that ends the innocent arguement….as far as alcohol,I doubt the word of others would be a violation…my guess it would probably take some type of stupid behavior to kick that one in…maybe a DUI,or getting into some type of trouble with the law,like what usually happens when a bunch of underage teen-agers gather when there’s alcohol involved.Back in my high school days,I can remember some jocks were almost “allowed” to do as they wanted….cutting classes,bad grades,drunken pot parties,bad behavior were almost overlooked with no accountability for those actions.I can’t help but think that didn’t help them out later in their lives..Once you hit 18 and real life starts,it’s a whole new ballgame….If you break the law after 18,being a former high school sports star doesn’t hold much weight.
No low, the last place I would put any kid into is our legal system. Only the violent belong in a cage.
I agree Trouble. The legal system doesn’t help kids, it pushes them down the wrong path.
I sure hope all these adults making all these tuf love rules, never experimented with pot in seventies like most of use. That would make them pretty much a hypocrite!
I am reminded of these words of a great friend when my oldest was giving us fits.
“You don’t raise kids ,You raise Adults”
Kids need to be motivated from within themselves. That way they take on a lot more responsibility and self discipline . These evolving young lives are great, albeit vulnerable and maybe they could have contributed and had a strong voice in crafting this “Code of Conduct” I tried this link to access the Code but it is from 2013
What these young men and women do on the playing fields is a joy to behold and what they do everywhere else is sometimes difficult to swallow . Somehow there has to be some novel and reinvented ways to balance things and provide a world that has special moments, some glimpses of success and victory for each of us, no matter if it is on the field ,on the court or just in everyday life.
Good to see the school district do what they’re doing…..nipping it at the bud (no pun intended),and maybe hoping it will help the 16-17 year olds now turn out more productive than it seems many of the 26-27 year olds turned out to be today….. 10 years later,when they were 16 and 17.Maybe something like this back in 2005 would have helped.
In a way these rules are similar to the rules/laws that keep the black man down if you think about it.
Young people are going to get into trouble and lose the ability to play sports and turn to a life of crime.
it’s racist
John…..HUH ?…..That’s got to be THE craziest comparison I’ve ever read….so what your saying is young people are “compelled” to get into trouble,and because of that,it will lead to a life of crime….because they can’t play sports ?….If I were a young person OR an African American I’d be offended by what you say.
I wouldn’t bring a child into this World to be subject to abuse by those in the educational system.
Leave it to Bishop….The time to sit down with the Student, Mr. or Ms. Van Nest is after the FIRST offense!!!
And, who will pay for the drug and alcohol education program? Those are not cheap, so we’ll have a two tiered punishment system….rich kids can get back on team, while poor ones will not be able to.
Not to mention, the biggest flaw of all….being able to participate in sports is often the number one motivator to keep borderline students in school. Once a kid feels there’s no way to get back into sports, they’ll often drop out. What is the goal here Bishop…to encourage kids to give up?
Or to give them motivation to do better in life?
Bravo sugar. The Athletic Director saying it’s time to sit down with the student after the second of fence. Hard to believe an educator would say something like that . Mind boggling to say the least.
Under these new rules, only the band remembers would have past all these test in my day! What happen to that” Just Win Baby” attitude?
I’m glad someone in charge at the school district has “raised the bar of expectations”. It takes courage to stand up in the face of lax attitudes, such as some have expressed here. We don’t live in a bubble, whether it’s the eastern Sierra or rest of CA. Hold students and parents accountable and the results speak for themselves.
Speaking from experience, as a troubled student during my high school days (in and out of Juvi), it wasn’t zero tolerance, high expectations or a courageous individual that got through to me, it was the understanding and acceptance from those who earned my trust because I didn’t see they were automatically judging me, those are the people I listened to when I was knee deep in substance abuse, depression and misguided actions and responses.. it was hard for me to trust anyone, it is hard to see who is really on YOUR side when a lot of people around you have given up. And to be made out as a statistic in the system is how you take ones dignity away.
Show some compassion and acceptance to the youth, prove your worthiness if you have to, some will need it!
Bad idea, they are just young jocks, whats next? testing parents, how much do the test cost? and who is paying for them, let them do the hair test and you will not have a team, just my opition.