Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 05, 2025





Questions continue to surface on medical marijuana issues locally and around the state. Mono County Assistant District medicalmjAttorney Tim Kendall had confirmed that the Attorney General is preparing a draft opinion on medial marijuana for circulation among law enforcement. Meanwhile, a local arrest drew attention, and law enforcement offered clarification.

The Mono Sheriff’s office reported the arrest of a Loyalton, CA man, David Garza, 41, who presented a medical marijuana recommendation card. The officer said he found marijuana in the man’s vehicle and arrested him. Questions cropped up on why he was arrested and if a doctor’s recommendation is legal support for possession of marijuana for medical uses.

Sierra Wave asked Mono County Undersheriff Ralph Obenberger. He said that the man arrested was actually in possession of concentrated hash, in addition to marijuana, which is not covered by a doctor’s recommendation or a county card. Officers explained that a doctor’s recommendation is legal proof that the person may possess marijuana. A county card would also offer proof. But none of these cards and recommendations approve the use of anything other than marijuana.

As for the medical marijuana issue in general, California Attorney General Kamala Harris is at work on a draft opinion which she will circulate for comments. In an ABC TV interview, Attorney General Harris said that she does believe the attorney general should play a role in “convening law enforcement and others involved in the issue to agree on standards” with an eye toward elimination of abuses. She also expressed concerns about making sure there are no “bad products out there.”

To repeat – the known standard here is medical marijuana may be possessed by those with a doctor’s letter of recommendation or a county medical marijuana card.

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