Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 12, 2025





MCWD press release

Mammoth Community Water District (District) has completed an update of its 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP).

Every five years, the State requires all urban water suppliers of a specific size to update their UWMPs.

The draft 2015 UWMP describes the District’s ability to provide reliable water service to the community over a 20-year period, its preparedness for water shortages, and whether the District is on track to meet its mandatory 20 percent reduction from baseline water usage by the year 2020.

Water reliability is also evaluated under conditions of normal runoff, a severe one-year drought, and a multiple-year drought.

The conclusions and recommendations from the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan will determine key aspects of long-term capital investment by the District for water supply and treatment, and influence future land use planning and development within the Town, to the extent these are influenced by the practical and regulatory requirements linking water supply reliability and land use decisions.

Copies of the plan are available for review at the District office during business hours and the Mammoth Lakes Library. The draft 2015 UWMP can also be viewed and downloaded from the District website:

A public hearing to discuss the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan will be held at 5:30 pm, January 19, 2017, in the District conference room at 1315 Meridian Blvd in Mammoth Lakes.

Comments, concerns, or suggested revisions to the proposed plan should be submitted to the District by January 2, 2017.

Comments can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to MCWD – 2015 UWMP, P.O. Box 597, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. Comments will also be accepted during the Public Hearing.


About Mammoth Community Water District

MCWD provides water and wastewater utility service to the Town of Mammoth Lakes and surrounding areas. MCWD strives to provide reliable, affordable utility service to our customers and to conduct our operations in a manner reflecting our stewardship role. We encourage our customers to practice responsible use of our limited water resources, and to take advantage of the information and services available to support this goal.

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