Mammoth residents know nothing more today than they did Tuesday about how much money the Town may pay to Mammoth Lakes Land Acquisition to settle the $43 million lawsuit judgment. What they do know is Assistant Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez said she will go public with all the details once a final settlement agreement is signed.
The Mammoth Town Council scheduled what they called a community update on the tentative settlement with MLLA and Terry Ballas when they met Wednesday night. Mayor Matthew Lehman immediately turned over the item to Martinez. She said, “As I stand before you, I don’t have answers for the community. We have not finalized the agreement yet.” Martinez echoed what Town Manager Dave Wilbrecht said last week – details are being worked out with MLLA and Terry Ballas, the original developer.
Martinez said, “As soon as details are worked out and the final settlement agreement signed, we will be in this room before you and the community to answer any and all questions.” The Assistant Town Manager went so far as to say that she hopes to be back before the Council and public with news at the next Council meeting on September 19th. But, she admitted, “We simply don’t know.”
As citizens push privately for details on the deal, Martinez said, “I’m sorry we can’t say too much. We are in the process of finalizing the terms, documenting the terms and hopefully some time very soon we’ll be here with the details.”
The members of the Town Council said nothing and moved on to the next item.
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We all know the real deal, all settlement cost will be passed on to the taxpayer in the form of cuts to services and additional fees/taxes. Many will be forced to absorb a reduction in employment, pay, benefits, goods and services except the plutocrats and their cronies!
This settlement statement is setting the stage for Assistant Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez to take the political fall out when the terms are announced after the fact, without any public knowledge about the settlement agreement. Obviously the town council think of us as an electorate mushrooms, best kept in the dark. The Assistant Town Manager will cut and run with her money, while we’re left with the debt and her empty apologies.
I watched the town council presentation by the tourism director John Urdi last Wednesday evening too. It’s obvious the tourism director via the town council instructions are planning to force feed a business improvement district (BID) on the taxpayers and/or our visitors. This will result in a tax being called a user fee and implemented without a vote of the towns taxpayers. This airport will continue to bleed red ink with the taxpayers are forced pick up the tab for the “Air” subsidy boondoggle too.
There was no transparency when out town leaders decided to “get rid of Hot Creek” in spite of the existing development agreement. If the town’s people had been afforded transparency and input “getting rid of Hot Creek” would not have happened without negotiating a buy out with Hot Creek.
There is no doubt the the town is bankrupt because it cannot pay its obligations as they come due. We have more obligations than we can afford to pay but our town leaders have now made a deal with a single creditor that will no doubt keep us broke for decades to come.
Why should we agree to this? If we were permitted input we wouldn’t have to.
Why don’t we look at all of our obligations, one class at a time and devise a plan that is affordable and that effects all creditors in stead of making a deal with MLLA alone that will keep us, our children and their children paying for past secret, ill advised deed?
I don’t think we are getting our money’s worth as we spend countless $Millions on town staff and legal counsel that do what is in our best interest without our knowledge.
This whole idea of having our officials obligate us without transparency stinks. We recently fired our assistant town manager due to costs, why did we hire a more expensive one that is leading the way to an expensive settlement that we townspeople obviously are too stupid to even have knowledge of before we are committed to paying for it?
“I’m sorry we can’t say too much. We are in the process of finalizing the terms, documenting the terms and hopefully some time very soon we’ll be here with the details.”
In other words, transparency would needlessly complicate my life, because it would interfere with cutting a backrooom deal, finalizing it, and then presenting it to the taxpayers who must pay for it as a fait accompli. So shut up and wait to do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. Who do you little people think you are anyway?
You have a way with words that (this time) I really like.
Recall Them ALL.
what are you waiting for Mammoth?