– Press release
The 2014 Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo takes place this weekend. Last year, this event brought over 1000 cyclists to Mammoth Lakes, Mono County and the Eastern Sierra – most of them drove through Bishop and Inyo County on the way to Mammoth. Organizers hope to see that many cyclists again or more.
See the website, www.FallCentury.org, for more information.
Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 7am and 9am at The Village in Mammoth Lakes Also, Prologue Hill Climb Time Trial, Friday, September 5th at 3pm starting at the “Chain-up” area at 395 and 203 and finishing at the Mammoth Mountain Inn near the Gondola Building.
Event Info:
-2014 Mammoth Century and Gran Fondo is a fund raiser for the Mammoth Mountain Community Foundation under the direction of Executive Director Lindsay Barksdale. The Mammoth Mountain Community Foundation contracts Mammoth Mountain Ski Area to produce the event. Bill Cockroft serves as the lead for MMSA and takes on the role of Event Director where he has an assembled team of professionals including ride director John Armstrong with the help of local cycling club, Eastside Velo, and many others to help produce the event.
-Former pro cyclist and Assistant Editor of Road Bike Action Magazine, Neil Shirley, rode the 2013 event and wrote an online and print article about it where he stated that the Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo is “on Par with Levi’s Gran Fondo in Santa Rosa, CA.” Levis Gran Fondo is widely considered the “benchmark” Gran Fondo event in the US and each year sells out 7500 rider registrations.
See Neil Shirley’s article here: http://www.roadbikeaction.com/Features/content/313/7350/Being-There-Mammoth-High-Sierra-Fall-Gran-Fondo.html
-Averaged 40% YOY growth the last two years 2012 vs. 2011 and 2013 vs. 2012
-2013 Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo = 1050 participants came to Mammoth Lakes bringing with them the economic benefit of shopping, lodging, eating and playing in Mammoth Lakes
-2014 Goal is 1400 riders with a bigger positive economic impact for Mammoth Lakes.
-Same 102 mile Gran Fondo and Century course starting and ending at The Village in Mammoth Lakes
-New 42 Mile Piccolo and 70 Mile Medio Courses starting and ending at The Village in Mammoth Lakes
-All rides, Gran Fondo, Century, Medio and Picollo, will start and end at The Village in Mammoth Lakes
-Ed Roski, owner of SkyTime Helicopter service, to once again provide an aerial platform for the start of the event and take our photographer and videographer up for amazing aerial footage of the Mammoth Fall Century and Gran Fondo
-Additional rest stops with improved menus including vegetarian and gluten-free options and staffed by local volunteer groups and businesses including Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra, Mammoth Swim Team, Mono County Search and Rescue, Bishop High School Broncos Football Team, MHS Baseball Team, Crowley Lake Store and the Mammoth Track Club
-1984 Olympic Gold Medalist, Steve Hegg, will be joining us for the Gran Fondo Ride and we are offering a special “Steve Hegg VIP Gran Fondo Package”
Steve Hegg info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Hegg
Steve Hegg VIP Package Info:
-1984 Olympic Silver Medalist, Nelson Vails, will be joining us for the Mammoth Fall Century and Gran Fondo “Medio Route” ride and we are offering a special “Ride with Nelly VIP Package” Nelson Vails Info:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Vails http://nelsonvails.com
http://youtu.be/kUVGXUBPFBc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NXi04trxdE
Nelson Vails VIP Package Info: http://www.fallcentury.org/ride-with-nelly-medio-vip-package.html
-Prologue Hill Climb Time Trial Starting Friday afternoon at 3pm, September 5th (precedes the Fall Century & Gran Fondo by one day)
An individually timed race known in cycling as the “Race of Truth” because each participant is on their own and cannot gain an advantage from a teammate or team. Starts in the chain-up area at 395/203 and finishes in front of the Mammoth Mountain Lodge at Main Lodge.
-Gran Fondo Welcome and Time Trial Awards Dinner plus Celebrity “Meet and Greet” at Campo in The Village on Friday night, September 5th
This the evening before the Main Event – The Mammoth Fall Century and Gran Fondo which start the following morning, Saturday, 9/6 at 7am at The Village.
-After Ride Party and Gourmet Buffet after the Fall Century & Gran Fondo at The Village on Saturday afternoon, 9/6
Great food, Music and vendor expo in the courtyard of The Village for the after-ride party and gourmet buffet feast!
-All Rider Participants are provided with free pictures of themselves on the ride immediately after the ride at the After-Ride Party and Gourmet Buffet Feast
Both printed and digital download copies of rider photographs will be free to participants after the ride
-All net proceeds of the Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo go to the Mammoth Mountain Community Foundation – see MMCF info below:
-Significant sponsorship support (personnel, equipment, supplies, marketing, financial and substantially discounted services and supplies) for the Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo is provided by the following local businesses:
Mammoth Mountain Ski Area
Footloose Sports
Sierra Nevada Brewing
Bonk Breaker
SkyTime Helicopter Service
Alaska Airlines
Road Bike Action Magazine
Fendon’s Furniture
-A big thanks also goes out to the following agencies for working with the Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo to put on a safe and well organized event:
California Highway Patrol – Mono County
Mammoth Lakes Police Department
Mono County Sheriff
Mono County Road Department
Town of Mammoth Lakes
-We need your help and need volunteers to put on this event.
To sign-up to help, go to http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050e49afae2aa02-2014
-Go to www.FallCentury.org to learn more, Register for the Ride and invite your Friends!
-Follow and like the Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo on Facebook here:
– From the Town of Mammoth Lakes
The Mammoth Fall Century and Gran Fondo Charity Bike Ride, produced by the Mammoth Mountain Community Foundation (MMCF) will take place on Saturday, September 6, 2014. The Fall Century and Gran Fondo will once again begin from The Village but at a new starting time of 7:00 a.m. The shorter 42 Mile “Piccolo” and 70 Mile “Medio” courses also start (9:00 a.m.) and end at The Village at Mammoth rather than the Whitmore Ball Fields. Due to the extensive number of riders, area covered and for the safety of the cyclists, specific traffic control measures will be in effect.
The Town would like to notify motorists of the following traffic control measures scheduled for Saturday, September 6, 2014.
1. Lower Canyon Boulevard will be closed between Lake Mary Road and Hillside Drive from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
2. Between 7:00 a.m. and approximately 7:20 a.m. eastbound traffic will be delayed on Lake Mary Road and Main Street (SR 203) including northbound traffic on US 395 for the Mammoth Fall Century 100 mile ride departing from The Village.
3. Between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. US 395 northbound from SR 203 to the junction of SR 120 will experience heavy bicycle traffic.
4. Between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. motorists should expect heavy bicycle traffic along SR 120 east between US 395 and the Benton Crossing Road.
5. Minaret Road from Forest Trail to Main Lodge (SR 120) will be closed from 9:00 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. for the start of the shorter 42 mile “Piccolo” and 70 mile “Medio” courses. Access to Scenic Loop Road will also be temporarily closed from 9:00 a.m. to 9:20 a.m.
6. Expect heavy or increased bike traffic throughout the day for both southbound and northbound US 395 motorists between Crowley Lake and the Junction with SR 203. Please be aware of increased bike traffic on Crowley Lake Drive and potential delays.
The 2014 Mammoth Fall Century and Gran Fondo event expects approximately 1,200 cyclists in Mammoth Lakes to experience the stunning Eastern Sierra on two-wheels in support of our children’s education and athletics. Cyclists will ride on highways SR 203, US 395, SR 120, and Benton Crossing Road on Saturday, September 6, 2014.
Please welcome riders to our community, share the road, and maintain three feet between you and a cyclist at all times.
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Mammoth Fall Century & Gran Fondo?
Must be about that time for the Mammoth tourism hype machine to start the accolades.
We’re flush with cash, the planes were full and everyone going to get the same raise equal to the town councils five percent a year forever one of these summers.
When this drought subsides, the single family rentals TOT will fund the new main street, the purchase of Sam’s wood site by the town and a village parking lot. The demand for “time shares” will drive real estate price that will surpass Vail and Aspen.
Yup it’s about that time for the Who’s of Whoville to start slapping each other on the back for another fine summer season of picking our pockets to fill theirs.
It’s the Gran Fondo alright!
Any information about number of participants; times; interesting incidents?
Not yet.
Kudos to all who took this event to the next level.
Good luck to those tomorrow.
I see Fondo and I think fondu then I’m think nachos too.
Eastern Sierra Local: Summer has been rebranded….
Still don’t understand why it’s called the “FALL century” when it’s happening in Summer- Fall doesn’t start for another 3 weeks.
It originally was held in early October….until one year there was bad weather[freezing rain], besides,who cares?…..Please don’t let little things like this bother you……life will be a lot more enjoyable…just sayin
Good question, but I think it’s because “Summer Century” sounds too hot to ride a bike, therefore less riders would show up for the event.
One thing I did not understand from last year’s inauguration, is why the pilot car is traveling 25 miles an hour during the start, down Main Street, then HWY 203 towards 395, when the riders could have easily doubled that speed. Take a look at the photo, it’s all downhill! I imagine some were quite frustrated.