Teach the Oscar’s A Lesson in Glam/Glitz

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Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce Pandemic Champions Awards Gala

Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce hosted an event Tuesday evening that easily put last Sunday’s “virtual” Oscar Awards to shame with its Pandemic Champions Awards Gala held Tuesday and hosted by Leslie-Anne Hoxie and Madeline Roy from the Sierra Classic Theatre.

The Chamber’s goal was to acknowledge the efforts and spirit of local businesses, organizations and individuals who stepped up to help the community weather the storm.

The criteria was simple: how business practices were amended in response to the pandemic, the use of technology or other resources to adapt to the new normal, implementation of measures to stay in business safely and incorporation of public health measures to keep customers and employees safe. In other words, how well businesses did the Pandemic Pivot.

There were 31 winners acknowledged for their efforts during the pandemic.

For the complete list of the winners and the role they played in coping with the pandemics effect on the local economy and on the town’s workers, please visit the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce.

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