The following is a press release from the Bishop Police Department:
Are you ready for the school year to begin? Even if you don’t have children in school, Bishop Police are asking you to drive safely as the kids will be back in session.
During this time, Bishop Police officers will conduct high-visibility traffic enforcement in and around school zones for all traffic violations, particularly speeding violations, as well as failing to follow instructions of the Crossing Guards.
Safety tips for back-to-school:
As summer vacations come to an end, students across the country are readying themselves for the start of a new school year. With all of the excitement this time brings, safety may not be the first subject that springs to mind. The Bishop Police Department encourages parents to take time to talk with their children about safety before school starts. Whether they walk, ride the bus or travel by car, teach your kids these tips to ensure they get to and from school safely.
Tips for car drivers and passengers
• Pay attention. Distracted drivers endanger lives. Cell phone use while driving is against the law. Parents in a rush to drop off children at school are often the most common violators of School Zone speed laws.
• Everyone in the car should wear a seatbelt.
• Make sure babies and young children are in safety seats at all times, and that safety seats have been properly installed.
• Remind teenagers to take extra precautions if they are driving to school or riding with another teenage driver.
Tips for pedestrians
• We encourage students within walking distance to follow stop signs and other traffic directions and pay attention to the directions of the Crossing Guards.
• Never walk alone—always travel with a buddy and do not stop to talk with people you don’t know.
Walk, don’t run. Never run across streets or crosswalks.
Pay attention to the locations of the Crossing Guards and tell them if you need help.
Small children should know and be able to recite their name, address and phone number as well as the names of their parent(s). Parents should insure that school records accurately reflect current contact information.
Following these precautions can help us all get the new school year off to a safe and happy start. Contact the Bishop Police Department for more information.
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