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To say Jen McGuire was a good hire by the Tri-County Fairgrounds may be the understatement
of the century. She’s like the Energizer Bunny, in spades. That has been evident during her
reports to the Bishop City Council and last Monday’s presentation was no exception.

Here’s a sampling:
 The Fairgrounds received 12 Achievement Awards at the recent Western Fairs Convention,
acknowledging ad campaigns, overall programming, advertising and commemorative
poster, community outreach and new Fair events. Photos were awarded in the following
categories: entertainment, grounds acts, carnival and people at the Fair. McGuire was also
elected as a State Board Director.
 Be prepared for new entertainment at the 2023 Tri-County Fair including walk-through
mazes, the addition of open goat and sheep shows in the Livestock Department, more
shade areas considering the high temperatures during the 2022 Fair. Concert headliners
will be announced at a later date.
 The Fairgrounds served as home to 100 horses during the recent rain storms. In addition to
horses, the grounds offered refuge to stranded motorists, cattle trucks and RVers. There
was some damage to the Heritage Arts and Charles Brown buildings and one area of the
arenas was still water-logged as of Monday.
 Facility updates: The Charles Brown building’s HVAC system went out to bid earlier this
month with June the projected start-date for the central air and heating system project.
 Also in June, Power Safety Shutdown Projects will get started including the administration
building, Charles Brown and home economics buildings and the well pump house.
 Tri-County didn’t make the cut for California Department of Food and Agriculture grants but is one of 15 fairgrounds that will be eligible for facilities assessment later this year.

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