Climate Adaptation Presentation – November 10 th 6:30 pm
INYO350 invites you to join Deanna Dulen, former Superintendent of Devil’s Postpile National Monument, as she speaks about challenges and opportunities in habitat adaptation related to climate change. She will share the latest on “Climate Refugia” and fire recovery science and experimental restoration research. Deanna will field questions after her presentation.
To register for this Zoom event, please go to, and click on the registration link in the subject posting.
For more information, email [email protected]
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They’re trying to change, climate change ! They’re screwing nature up ! It’s always going back and forth !
The earth’s climate is always changing and has since it was born.
I don’t think there is anything on this planet that could make me happier than to find out at the end of my life climate change was a hoax. Unfortunately, I see the snowline go higher and higher, the summers get longer and warmer, the massive tree mortality everywhere (which include trees that are literally in creeks and ponds, so I don’t think it’s drought…). I wish I could see what people who don’t believe climate change is real see. But since I don’t, my heart breaks for the next generation. I’m more than open to being showed evidence that I’m wrong, but I see a lot troubling evidence that climate change is real all around us.
Global climate engineering is kinda like cloud seeding to get more rain. China is currently looking at stuff like this to control their monsoons. There is a group of people out there who believe some governments are messing around with this tech, using it for bio warfare, population control, climate change, etc. For good or bad it’s being looked at in a number of countries. Not too hard to get some info off the web. Hope this helps explain some of these comments. Cheers!
So it’s the new plane contrails. Got it.
Anyone who talks about climate change without discussing the ongoing global climate engineering operations is not worth listening to at all.
What the Hell is global climate engineering operations?
A Fancy term for PANHANDLING.
C-o-n-s-p-i-r-a-c-y T-h-e-o-r-y ……
Hi Desco, yes as Kay Kramer said, many just label the facts as conspiracy theory. It is much easier to label something as a conspiracy theory then to actually do some independent research.
Honestly, I don’t know what to tell you, we all have eyes to see but for some reason, many of us just can not see what is obvious and apparent. Another term for Climate Engineering is Geoengineering. There is a federal gag order on meteorologists which prevents them from even mentioning this topic.
Go watch the video on Youtube called “The Dimming”. Do some research on clouds.. research ionospheric heaters. Man has been using weather as a weapon for decades.. For example during the Vietnam war, Operation Popeye. China’s weather manipulation in 2009 which created an artificial snowstorm in Beijing that caused billions worth in damage. There are many patents on climate engineering technology.
Remember back in the 70s the “scientists” said we were entering an ice age.
Then in 2008 we had Al Gore say we were entering Global Warming.
Now they have settled with the term Climate Change. Ever wonder why?
You will be hearing a whole lot more about climate change in the very near future, and you will be told you are the problem (Carbon neutral). Keep this in mind down the road when you dismiss this as crackpot conspiracy theory.
“It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather; and he who controls the weather will control the world” – Lyndon B Johnson
How the old timers have not noticed the change in clouds over the decades I have no idea. I guess the best explanation is the boiling frog concept.
Looks like a few people here are at least aware of the subject. Good for you guys, thanks for seeing what others can not see or choose to ignore. I’m not here to sell anyone anything, just asking for people to keep an open mind.
It sounds like you are stating that “Climate Change” has been concocted to cover-up devious militaristic plots to control the planet through climate manipulation by various world governments. It sounds like you are implying that the scientifically supported evidence showing that excessive carbon emissions have affected Earth’s climate over multiple decades, and will obviously continue to do so, is propaganda. You are right that there has been climate manipulation by the USSR, China, and the U.S. That’s well known, not a big secret. But your assertion that we as humans, our day-to-day practices in that role, the choices we have made and continue to make, have nothing to do with Climate Change – that we are merely “puppets” of government control – IS conspiracy theory. If you’re interested, I spent over 10 years at SIO-PORD/CRD/CSI (1987-1998), supporting the research work of Larry Armi, Dan Cayan, Paola Cessi, Bill Young, Bruce Cornuelle, Lynne Talley, Russ Davis, Sally Ride, and others, and also worked in collaboration with Amy Bower at WHOI.
No I am not saying ‘climate change’ has been concocted to cover up anything. I also do not deny that man has impacted our environment. Everyone focuses on the Co2 part of the equation which is certainly an important factor. What a lot of people do not realize is when C02 is emitted from all the different things people do that its not just Co2. There are tons of other toxic chemicals and elements when burning oil, coal, gas etc that go largely ignored in the equation. Man made C02 emissions are simply a gauge to me that I use to measure all the other chemicals being released into the environment. So no, you are not correct that I think it is only propaganda.
100% yes, world governments are working together to manipulate the climate. Yes we are merely puppets of government control… should be more obvious then ever right now..
Yes our collective day to day actions impact our environment. The issue I have with that assertion is that the blame is being put onto the average person more so than the institutions which are responsible for the vast majority of environmental damage. The militaries of the world are the biggest emitters of Co2 and environmental degradation bar none.. and they are only a tiny percentage of the world population. And the largest single form of environmental damage is caused by climate engineering. A global operation which has been ongoing for decades and grows in scale to this day. This is not something that is just now being proposed, it is in fact already happening and has been happening for a very long time.
The militarized structure of our world is main problem, yet people like you seem to be convinced that the average Joe should take most of the blame. We should be blaming the biggest offenders first not the little guy trying to make a living using a lawn mower and driving a car and heating their home.
Like Jacque said, “massive tree mortality everywhere(which include trees that are literally in creeks and ponds, so I don’t think it’s drought”
That’s correct, it is not just drought, its not just bark beetles. The toxic nano particulates being sprayed in unimaginable quantities such as aluminum, barium, strontium, and other elements/materials along with many other chemicals introduced into the environment have weakened our Ozone layer to the point that UV radiation is off the charts. These nano particles also coat our environment and affect soil PH causing trees and plant life to struggle to uptake nutrients and also decimates insect and wildlife. This nano dust coats all the foliage and acts like an incendiary dust which is why wildfires are burning with a ferocity never seen before. Its not just due to drought and dry conditions.
Once these elements are sprayed into the atmosphere they use various frequencies and radars to help disperse these elements. Many if not all of these frequencies are also extremely damaging to our environment as well as human health. Infrasound and certain frequencies can easily induce sickness, nausea, dizzyness, etc and death. This is well researched. look up Dr. Vladimir Gavreau to get a small idea of how long this kind of research has been taking place.
Ionospheric heaters are utilized to microwave the atmosphere.(among other things) When you microwave these nano particles they vibrate, creating friction and subsequently creating heat. They are able to use these ionospheric heaters to create high pressure systems and domes of high pressure. This is the primary method used for macro weather system control.
If you spent that many years at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution then you are probably well aware of oceanic acidification. You are also then aware that our plankton populations are also being decimated. Plankton and the ocean creates around half of all the oxygen in the environment. Climate engineering reduces the amount of sunlight these organisms receive which mean less photosynthesis, less C02 being utilized by these organisms and less oxygen produced. Less Plankton, less sea life etc. The oceans are dying and Climate engineering is the single largest reason for this. Not the average Joe and Jane.
I will leave it at that for now.
-Best regards
Thank you – I appreciate the time and clarification you put into this response. I do agree with virtually everything you’ve said, actually, and I especially agree that the biggest offenders should be held accountable. Not likely going to happen in our lifetime.
One Medium Volcanic eruption such as Mount St Helen,s can eject 100 Times the amount of Carbon and Deadly Sulfuric and other gases than mankind has produced since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
You are wrong in your assumptions, as usual:
Climate engineering (aka, geoengineering) is a real thing. The scale needed is often mind bongling. Much of it is finding ways to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and preventing it )excessive amounts from man-made sources) in the first place. No one country should be allowed to engage in it on a large scale without the world community being part of the decision-making on it. Wikipedia has a fairly good explanation of it:
The Climate Change HOAX again and again and again.
You People who have been bombarded with this Global Warming Propaganda (CLIMATE TERRORISM) Had better Hope the true culprit of the last 25 drought and heat years sticks around for a long long time !
Because The heat waves and dry spells here and there were not caused by MANKIND in any way .
Guess what caused them ?
The SUN , EL SOL !
And since our SUN , Giver of life and Warmth is now on the downturn , It has been quite active over the last 30 to 40 years , Flaring up and Following its own natural cycle .
The Sun is now again following its own course .
It is going into a cooling phase .
Lets hope it wakes up again .
STOP letting these Professional Idiots Terrorize you.
You too could choose science over ignorance. It’s not too late!
And your IQ is ?
Haa Haaa Haaa Haaa.
An IQ of 140 puts you at the Genius / Near Genius Level .
I offer my sincere regret for questioning your post or view on this matter .
Please Forgive my Ignorance .
You’re forgiven. IQ isn’t the only thing of value. Many times I’d have traded a few points for … maybe more mechanical aptitude, physical strength, or maybe even a big brother. But it does tend to help with critical thinking skills
Hey Inyo….were you one of the people in Texas yesterday, awaiting the appearance of JFK and his son?????
The way INYOFACE ****** and moans about everything California and Governor Newsom,maybe INYOFACE should move to Texas and go full time looking for JFK and JFK Jr. along with Elvis lurking and hiding in and on the plains….
Of course you have to resort to some crazy reply instead of coming up with a few facts to prove me wrong .
Because i am not wrong .
You are just another EMO Sheeple SoY Boy looking for a Safe Space.
Dude,the facts aren’t in your favor with this…
All you’re doing is following along,believing and obeying everything your irrelevant reality show host (that other guy) tells you to do,say and how to feel..
Inyo is also an angry and ignorant individual whose dishonest and abusive posts leave a large skid mark on the media which allows it to be published.
Exactly! Inyo’s woeful ignorance shines through again. His anger shines through. He seems unable to have civil debates-unable to do research to find out facts.
The FACTS are not in my FAVOR . Hmmmm.