Barry D. Simpson - Inyo County Superintendent of SchoolsInyo County Superintendent of Schools, Barry Simpson, confirmed that school will be in-person for all students, however, masking requirements for all students and staff will remain in place. He emphasized that this is not a local decision; there are state guidelines that they must follow. What of those who cannot for health or other reasons cannot attend in person? Simpson says that “Independent Study (a.k.a., distance learning) will be an option.” He went on to note that there are some new laws and exceptions on the Independent Study front that our districts are currently working on now.
Simpson said that Inyo County Schools have learned a great deal in the past 12-15 months and explained that “…we are poised to flip the switch and return to Distance Learning quickly if we are forced to, but at this time, we are happy to report our students will be in class on schedule each day starting in August!”

The County School Superintendent said that they are hopeful the mask requirement is lifted at some point early in the school year, but that the future is uncertain, with rising case rates in some areas of the state and the new Delta Variant, it does feel like the ground is “shifting beneath the schools’ feet again.”
Simpson finished his communication with: “…to our community and to all of our parents, staff and students, please know we are prepared, and we look forward to a safe and healthy start to the new school year!

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