Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 10, 2025





In a press release today, Inyo County announced that, at long last, the county has moved into the Yellow Tier of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, a move that has been highly anticipated with the upcoming Mule Days Celebration in Bishop, and the hordes of expected visitors coming to the area for both Mule Days and a host of other activities from camping and fishing to hiking and skiing.

Inyo County logo button circle

Inyo County Press Release:  Move to Yellow Tier.

INYO COUNTY, CA, May 25, 2021 – Effective Wednesday May 26, 2021, Inyo County will move from the Orange Tier into the Yellow Tier as part of California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. In this tier, the risk of COVID-19 infection is minimal and most indoor business operations are open with some modifications. While the risk is minimal, continuing to practice safety measures and good hygiene will help keep yourself and community members safe.

As California prepares to move beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy on June 15, the expectation is to see very limited measures remain in effect. As this transition occurs, the County of Inyo intends to scale back its COVID-19 emergency response and phase out the weekly EOC Updates that have been provided via email. The County will continue to provide vaccine and COVID-19 related information as an opt-in/opt-out email option managed by Public Health and sent in both English and Spanish.

Yellow HeartIn the continued community effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, CDPH and Inyo County strongly encourage the following actions:

  • Everyone should get vaccinated when eligible; please contact your primary healthcare provider or make an appointment by visiting:
  • You are encouraged to sign up for local vaccine and COVID-19 related information at the Inyo County website under Vaccine Information or directly via the Subscription Form
  • Indoor spaces must continue to be well ventilated following current CDPH and CalOSHA guidance
  • If you are interested in receiving text alerts informing you as to whether you have been in contact with a known positive case, you can download the CA Notify app (available for both Android and Apple).
  • If you have been vaccinated and are interested in participating in the V-Safe after vaccination health checker, you can register by visiting:
  • Continue to wear a face mask indoors and at large events, as required by current California Department of Public Health (CDPH) face covering guidance

The California tier-based metrics have helped provide a framework for reopening businesses, schools and other community venues. Beginning June 15, 2021, CDPH has indicated that all sectors listed in the current Blueprint Activities and Business Tiers Chart may return to usual operations (with the limited exceptions for Mega Events).


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