Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for September 11, 2024





A national economic forecast will start out discussions Wednesday night at the Mammoth Town Council meeting. Town Council members have turned up the heat on staff members to justify the new budget and past spending patterns.mltc_5-20-09

Councilman John Eastman had asked about reserve funds and how much the Town has spent of them over the past year and a half. Is there deficit spending or not? Answers are expected Wednesday.

Officials will examine all sources of revenue for town government and their levels. Public questions will capture some of the Council’s time. Mayor Wendy Sugimura and Council Member Jo Bacon have conducted budget meetings with the public.

Their report says that citizens would like to see fewer town employees at less money. Officials have said that the proposed budget does not assume further staff reductions, although things could change.

Citizens wanted to know about salary cuts. Officials have responded that salaries have been cut by 15% through a variety of benefit concessions, including two furlough days per month and deferred pay raises.

Citizens have also suggested that the Town not obligate funds before they are received. Like Developer Impact fees.

Early in Wednesday night’s meeting, the Council will tackle economic issues and the proposed budget.

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