Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 15, 2025





Our volunteer Search and Rescue teams – the remarkable people who stand between life and death or injury fo0r those who brave the back country. A dramatic example this week mammoth_temp_fire_station.jpgwhen Inyo Search and Rescue responded to reports that two local climbers were missing.

Some good news today for the Mono Search and Rescue team. Sheriff Rick School sent out the word that his department has purchased what's called the Sprung Structure – used by Mammoth Fire Department to house engines and equipment during construction of fire Station 1.

The Fire District and Mono County agreed that the structure will stay where it is until June of 2009. Mono SAR will use it to house their equipment and vehicles. The team has functioned as virtually "homeless", storing vehicles and equipment at public locations and even at the homes of volunteers.

Now, they can keep equipment and vehicles out of the elements and ready for action.

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