The featured summer exhibit is Personal Responsibility: The Manzanar Camp Photographs of Toyo Miyatake.
Eastern California Museum Open on July 4
The Eastern California Museum in Independence will be open on Wednesday, the Fourth of July. The Museum will delay opening its doors until after the Independence Day Parade, which starts at 10 a.m., has completed its lap of downtown Independence.
Visitors and residents enjoying the many activities on Independence Day in Independence are invited to make a tour of the air-conditioned museum a part of their day. Besides the museum’s permanent exhibits, the featured summer exhibit is Personal Responsibility: The Camp Photographs of Toyo Miyatake.
The Museum Bookstore has recently undergone a small renovation, and has expanded the number and type of books and gifts for sale.
After the parade delay, the Museum and bookstore will remain open throughout the day until 5 p.m.
The Eastern California Museum is located at 155 N. Grant Street, three blocks west of the historic courthouse in Independence, and is open from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. every day. Call the museum at 760-878-0258 for more information, or check the museum Web page at www.inyocounty.us/ecmuseum.
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Or putting Hitler Mustaches on GW Bush posters and calling republicans nazis…or armed Nation of Islam members threatening whites voters and reporters at polling booths…cmon, do you really wanna go there?
Dear Benett,
With all due respect, it has come to my attention that our country has become ideologically divided. Perhaps as severely as in the Civil War era with race once again being at the forefront. You see it from the perspective of certain political factions insistent upon the round up and prosecution of people from Mexico. You see Confederate flags proudly flying at Tea Party assemblies. And we are witnessing an obvious hatred for the president of the United States from wildy popular talk-radio gurus who once told a black caller “Take the bone out of your nose and call me later” which his legions find hilarious “entertainment.
Today, it just might be a good idea to remind ourselves of those monikers when the opportunity arises when the subject of the Manzanar travesty rears its ugly head.
A thousand pardons if you feel the “Lest we forget” message has been unnecessarily added to this topic.
Drawing parallels between “the Civil War era”, when the country went to war with itself to free its black slaves, and today, when the country has elected a black President to the most powerful office on Earth, is not a “lest we forget” message. It is gross lack of perspective and a pernicious slander against your countrymen, albeit a slander that is entirely consistent with your crude inventions of imaginary insults no one but you has put in writing on this page. Anyone can cherry pick a few extreme outliers – Reverend Jeremiah Wright, anyone? – but outliers do not make a trend nor do these efforts lead to understanding. Evidently, however, some derive pleasure in fostering divisiveness, feeding whatever festers in their soul.
Be very careful on this subject posters.
There are forces gathering steam today that would paint you as: “a do-gooder liberal, aka Democrat, aka Bad American, aka Communist, aka Baby-killer, aka Gay-lover” … you know the rest of their monikers.
No understanding whatsoever of the live-and-let-live ideology or the deep-seated racism that exists today in this country.
Dear Just,
You seem to be the only one who brought up these monikers.
Benett Kessler
Sierragirl- I agree with you of how horrible Manzanar was of our government to create. But I don’t believe anybody still seriously believes they wanted to go there.
I disagree as I have talked to people and relatives of those who were there. The government was not the ones to fear but rather the American citizens at large who hated the “Japs” after Pearl Harbor attack. The camps afforded a safe place for people to go to take refuge from potential violence by folks around them caught up in the hysteria etc. Did they want to up and leave their homes to go, no of course but for their own safety many felt they needed to go there.
That story line would make sense except AFTER the hysteria died down, the camps remained. In 1943, those who took the loyalty oath were allowed to volunteer for the US Army and take jobs anywhere in the country but the West Coast, and the camps remained. The guards in the towers pointed their guns in, toward the internees, not outward, to guard from bands of angry revenge seekers. The financial losses suffered by those forced into the camps was extreme. The loss of freedom could not have a price put on it. There are 120,000 individual and unique internee stories; we would all be wise (my comments included) to avoid generalizations about the experiences of a few that we have “heard about.”
I definitely want to check out that museum one of these days…so hard to believe that some people around here still deny that japanese people were sent to Manzanar against their will and forced to stay there. A horrible blemish on the face of america that I hope we never forget!