Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 10, 2025





Caltrans LogoConway Ranch Shoulders Project to Start on Monday

MONO COUNTY – Work is scheduled to begin Monday, June 5, on the Conway Ranch Shoulders Project on U.S. Highway 395 just north of Mono City. This project will widen the shoulders and make improvements to chain-control areas of this approximately two-mile stretch of undivided two-lane roadway between the junction of State Route 167 and Conway Ranch Road.


Construction crews will widen the embankments and shoulders to eight feet through the project area using a 0.6’ layer of Hot Mix Asphalt. They will also lengthen the northbound chain-up area approximately 0.5 miles south of Conway Ranch Road by 500’ to the south to bring this part of U.S. Highway 395 up to current design standards. Other details of the project include:

·        Installing 12-inch shoulder rumble strips

·        Replacing and rehabilitating existing culverts

·        Replacing traffic signs

·        Installing lighting systems for chain-up areas

Granite Construction Company was awarded the $7,648,459 construction contract for this project. During the project’s 140 working days, work is scheduled for Monday through Friday from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. There will be one-way traffic control and drivers may experience 20-minute delays. This project is tentatively scheduled to conclude in October 2023. Shoulder work could restart in the spring of 2024 due to a winter suspension.

The Conway Ranch Shoulders Project received $8.3 million for the construction phase from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. Under IIJA, California will receive an estimated $41.9 billion over 5 years. IIJA provides significant funding to Caltrans to improve roadways, bridges, freight projects, public transportation, and safety, and to address climate change. For more information about IIJA, visit

Work schedules are subject to change due to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment and/or materials, and/or construction-related issues.

Travelers are asked to be attentive to workers on the highway, slow for the cone zone, and move over whenever possible to give additional clearance. Be Safe and Be Work Zone Alert!

To get the latest information on conditions on the State Highway System, visit the Caltrans QuickMap site at or download the app to your smartphone. You can also call the Road Condition Hotline at 1-800-427-ROAD (7623).

For those with sensory disabilities requiring alternate formats (i.e. Braille, large print, sign language interpreter, etc.) and those needing information in a language other than English, please contact Bob Gossman at (760) 881-7145 or TTY 711.

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