Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for July 26, 2024





mltpalogoFriends –

Thanks to the 20+ members of the community and local agency representatives who showed up last Thursday to hear presentations on the potential relationship of our local water supply to the ORMAT project as well as a discussion on Mammoth Lakes Recreation.  Special thanks to Patrick Hayes of the Mammoth Community Water District (MCWD) as well as Betsy Truax and Colin Fernie of the Mammoth Lakes Recreation Formation Committee.

A reminder that the next in this series of Mammoth Trails meetings will take place Thursday, April 24 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM at the Mammoth Lakes Library. Topics will include issues and opportunities of interest to the Mammoth Lakes recreation community with guest speakers including Debra Schweizer of the Inyo National Forest who will be speaking on the status and “next steps” for the Inyo National Forest Plan Revision Process. Thanks again to Mono County for making these meetings possible.

Letter in Support of the Mammoth Community Water District

As mentioned at the meeting last week, MLTPA has prepared a letter of support for the Mammoth Community Water District and their concerns regarding the ORMAT project and our municipal water supply. Please send an email to MLTPA at if you’d like to review the letter of support.  If you’re interest in signing, as either an individual or as a representative of your organization, please be sure to follow up with another email to MLTPA so we can arrange to capture your signature.  We hope to get the letters into the mail to Washington D.C. by the end of this coming week.

Scheduled Topics and Speakers for Thursday, April 24:

See you in a couple of weeks – thanks!

John Wentworth

MLTPA Foundation


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