Press release from the California Highway Patrol
BISHOP, CALIF. – In July of 2015, the California Highway Patrol, Inland Division Investigative Services Unit, initiated an investigation into the possible embezzlement of funds from the Eastern Sierra Tri-County Fairgrounds.
During the extensive investigation, CHP investigators determined Bishop area resident Sally Ann Symons, 46, embezzled funds belonging to the Eastern Sierra Tri-County Fair. On October 21, 2015, Symons, who is a former employee of the Tri-County Fair, was detained and transported to the Bishop Area CHP office for questioning. The CHP report containing the embezzlement and other various charges will be submitted to the Inyo County District Attorney’s office for review.
In 2013, the CHP investigated a similar embezzlement case involving the Eastern Sierra Tri-County Fairgrounds. Both investigations are unrelated.
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If Sally really did this I’ll be surprised. I’ve known her since we were both kids, she’s been heavily involved in the fair since she was a kid (via 4-H), and if you gave me a list of 100 people I knew in Bishop and asked me which one was likely to commit a crime, Sally would be the LAST person I’d think of.
I could be wrong, but until facts are disclosed that prove otherwise, she’s presumed innocent.
I find it kinda funny how the above story about a Chief Excutive Officer (CEO) from the fairgrounds has possibly Embezzled funds, and this is the second such crime from the fairgrounds in the last 2 years, and everyone wants to know about the Rossys.
It feels like the public is pretending this isn’t real, because Sally Symons is a respected, and well known in the community.
Where is the outrage for the Fairgrounds?
Why nothing about Marsh?
If Ms. Symons is charged it will be the 2nd spouse of a law enforcement officer.
Crazy times! We have Officers accusing the chief of possible felonies. officers wives. Crazy Times.
As the plot thickens….I hope everyone who bashed the Fair Board is having a second look at how they acted and how they responded. I new something was up when they didn’t give a reason for letting her go.
My heart always goes out the family, but I also am tired of all these people taking what isn’t theirs. If it’s true….throw the book at her, because apparently what happened to the last one (Rebecca Bragdon) there didn’t scare Ms. Symons enough to not do the same thing.
Also wondering what the heck happened to Officer Marsh’s wife….did she ever have to pay restitution to Inyo Mono Body shop or is she just “living life”.
I would like a round of applause to the Fair Board for, as hard as it was….to do the right thing. THANK YOU FROM YOUR COMMUNITY!
You are correct Paul. Being part of the community is the way to be in touch. I am currently already on 2 boards and just recently came off 2 other boards. I have been on a particular board for 5 years because no one wants to step up and I don’t want to leave them in the lurch. It is sad that more people don’t want to be a part of the community.
Thank you for your service to our community Rockhugr. Volunteerism is what makes the Eastern Sierra a great place to live.
I am always amazed at the well organized army of volunteers that puts on Mule Days every year.
I blame our county elected officials for bring in these folks. If I remember correctly, the Symons family almost lost their ambulance service contract to the county for refusing to open up their books while bidding on the next contract. But amazingly they got it anyway.
I’m not saying they’ve done anything wrong, but I would certainly ask more questions the next time around.
Gary sounds like Hilary.
You put the dots together , You get a little gold STAR. And a Participation Trophy.
: )
What Difference at this point does it Make .
ANOTHER embezzlement case for the Owens Valley…? Is there something in the water up there or WHAT ? And BTW…how are our favorite (accused) embezzlers, the Rossy’s, doing with their case ? Has it been swept under the rug and forgotten yet ?
Rick O’Brien…….Come to think of it,haven’t heard nothing more about the Rossy’s….I’m sure they are in another court “delay”…….and plotting the next delay when this last delay finally comes up to court…..if it does…..wonder whatever happened to that surfer guy up in Mammoth that assaulted those women,and got his butt handed to him on a platter by the guys coming to their rescue…think that happened a good 7 or 8 years ago,maybe longer….last I heard of that one was the trial was being “delayed” too….
Low-Inyo. Here’s an update on the surfer who assaulted the women in Mammoth.
johndoeml…..intresting article…..but what I get from it……HIS Mono County-Mammoth assault trial IS still on a delay…..from the year 2008…..LOL !!!!!!
embezzlement: It’s what people do with public funds.
Until the time fits the crime we will see more of this
Rick, Just continuing our traditional values.,3317452&hl=en
Anyone hear if the Rossy’s were in court today-their supposed trial date?
Deb Murphy filed this information: The embezzlement trial of Kenneth and Dawndee Rossy was scheduled to start Tuesday, Oct. 27, but has been postponed until January 25, with a confirmation conference on January 7.
According to Thomas Hardy, Inyo County district attorney, Dawndee Rossy’s attorney, David Evans, was ordered by a federal judge to be at a different trial in November. “The delay is unfortunate,” stated Hardy by e-mail, “but it would have been very difficult to schedule a trial of this size during the holidays.”
The Rossy’s were arrested two and a half years ago on 44 felony counts including the primary charge of embezzling $1.5 million from the Department of Health and Human Services where Dawndee Rossy was employeed. The couple has been out on bail since April, 2013.
…With a confirmation conference scheduled January 7…and trial supposed to begin January 25,I’m willing to bet my life-savings (which isn’t much) come January 25 there will be no trial started and another delay,at least untill late 2016…This trial starting in late January has about as much of a chance happening as Donald Trump becoming the next President of the United States…..not likely……
Let the facts stand before you pass judgement. Everyone is presumed innocent but time will tell. Let the justice system run its course. If Sally committed the crime, let her do the time. Sally is popular and her family name is well known, but that does not mean she is above the law. The citizens of the east side deserve a thorough investigation. I for one do not want someone who has family roots here to be granted a free pass. That is the good ol’ boy system the majority want to avoid.
Well said Vons shopper. I can’t make any other points, you covered each one I would make. Time will tell, and until then I’m not going to hastily take up my pitchfork and torch.
Regardless of the merits or lack thereof regarding this investigation, it is important to note that the IRS requires that all income, including embezzled funds, be reported as income. Failure to do so risks the charge of tax evasion. If you return the embezzled funds, either voluntarily or part of a court order or plea bargain, you get a refund.
“The Internal Revenue Service requires that embezzlers include embezzled funds in their yearly income taxes. Upon returning the funds or paying restitution, the embezzler becomes eligible for a tax deduction. Failure to report embezzled funds as gross income can result in the bringing of tax evasion charges.”
Consider applying? To get appointed as a board member you’ll need money. These positions are appointed to those who donate large sums of money to the Governor’s campaign as payback for their political contributions.
John that is totally untrue. I have never donated any money to any of the four Governors that have appointed me. These are unpaid volunteer positions.
What the heck? Maybe the board should be examined!
rockhugr, As soon as the board learned that money was missing in July, the Governor’s office was advised, the head of Fairs and Expositions was advised and CHP Captain Noyes was contacted and a investigation was requested. The investigators responded quickly and conducted a very professional and complete investigation over several months.
The board consists of your fellow citizens who volunteer their time and meet once a month to make the Fair a important part of the community. The board does not supervise the day to day operations of the Fair and there has to be some level of trust in the CEO.
There are four openings on the Fair Board. Please consider applying to the Governor’s office to be appointed as a board member so you can contribute your community.
@Paul Dostie- If you are really Paul Dostie, thanks for the input but until formal charges are brought and a final conviction, I would refrain from all communication regarding this case out of respect for the accused and the general public since you are indirectly involved in this case.
The people have the right to know the basic facts of the issue.
Dostie: The basics facts of the issue have already been reported by the media. Have you considered the fact that defense attnys are combing the press looking for crumbs to jeopardize the prosecution? Your public comments can do just that and if you need examples of this happening in other cases, there are plenty. For someone on the board whose job was to oversee the person accused and no formal charges have even come down from the DA, your conduct and professionalism is in question here.