Earth Day Weekend
Films, Activities & Fun for All – Free and Open to the Public
April 20 – 22
Earth Day is coming up and will be celebrated around the globe this weekend. Here in Bishop many organizations have come together in partnership to sponsor a weekend full of learning opportunities and activities, in celebration of our Earth.
Some activities will focus on education and awareness about climate change, and how we can do our part in caring for our Planet Earth. Bring your families, friends and neighbors and join in on the fun!
The weekend kicks off Friday night at Cerro Coso College in Bishop, with a presentation by Dr. Ben Hatchett from the Desert Research Institute in Reno. Dr. Hatchett has been studying the landscapes of the Eastern Sierra for over a decade. He will present his findings in an engaging presentation entitled“Landscapes of the Eastern Sierra as Climatic Time Machines.” The presentation will begin at 7 PM.
On Saturday morning Sunrise Rotary of Bishop will sponsor their annual Earth Day in the Park, taking place in the front of the Bishop City Park. The festivities will run from 10 AM to 3 PM and will include activities, booths, tables and games, food and craft vendors.
On Saturday evening at 7 PM, at Inyo Council for the Arts, there will be a screening of “Happening – A Clean Energy Revolution.” This documentary film by filmmaker Jamie Redford, son of Robert Redford, brings to light a lot of the positive things happening today to reduce global warming. Two other short films, including “Why People Don’t Believe in Climate Change,” will also be shown.
Sunday tops off the weekend with a full schedule of events taking place at the Bishop Paiute Tribe’s Earth Day at the Owens Valley Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center. From a roadside clean-up effort starting at8 AM, with a free breakfast for all participants, to planting the Firstbloom corn maze and pumpkin patch, to a Recycled Art Contest, there will be something for everyone. From 10 AM to 1 PM there will be environmental activity tables, live music, food and craft vendors, speakers and a raffle.
From 10 AM to 2:30 PM inside the Cultural Center there will be environmental films, speakers and discussions ranging from the Bishop Paiute Tribe’s Food Sovereignty Program and the Bishop Community Garden to rooftop solar solutions and other actions we as individuals (and as a society) can take to help out our planet Earth. “Saving Payahüüpü: The Owens Valley Solar Story” will be shown at 12:30.
For a full schedule of films and activities please visit the INYO350 website at
For more information on the lecture or films please call 760-872-2852; for Earth Day in the Park, including tables and vendors, 785-230-9396; for Earth Day at the Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center, including tables and vendors, 760-873-8844 or 760-873-3584.
Family Friendly Dog Walk
Altrusa International will hold charity dog walk
Grab your furry friend and head to the Bishop Dog Park on April 21 for a charity
dog walk.
Altrusa International of the Eastern Sierra is sponsoring this Saturday stroll in the beautiful spring weather while raising money for For 4 Paws, Bishop Dog park and ICARE.
Be the first 100 to register and receive a goodie bag of dog related fun stuff.
Come out and enjoy pet contests, prizes and raffle baskets.
Representatives from County shelter, related vendors along with nearly 125 dog walkers.
“Having an event like WAG-N-WALK brings dog lovers together while raising
money for dogs, says Dr. Nikki Milici, Bishop Veterinary Hospital.”
The event takes place on Saturday, April 21st. On-site registration opens at 8 am at the
Bishop Dog Park, corner of Yaney Street and Spruce Street. The walk starts and ends at the dog park.
Registration forms are available at Bishop Veterinary Hospital, Bishop Chamber of Commerce, and Wye Road Feed & Supply. Registration fee is $20 per person or $20 per family with maximum of two dogs.
The walk begins at 9:15 you won’t want to miss the dog costume contest at 9 AM.
This year’s sponsors; Bishop Veterinary Hospital, Wye Road Feed & Supply, KIBS-KBOV, Alex Printing, Shallcross & Associates, City of Bishop and LADWP.
For more information visit or contact Maggie Kingsbury 760-920-1944
Rotary Club of Bishop Ducky Derby

Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation Earth Day Event
The Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation invites the community to participate in the Sixth Annual Lone Pine Tribal Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 9:00AM-12:30PM at the Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation Gymnasium located at 1145 E-Sha Lane. This year’s theme: “Think Globally-Act Locally”
Event Schedule:
9:00AM-10:00AM Reservation Roads clean-up.
Meet at the Tribal Gymnasium at 9:00AM. Groups will be assigned and transported to designated roadways for a team clean-up activity. Bring hats, gloves and sunscreen. (Safety vests, trash grabbers, and water bottles will be supplied.)
10:00AM-11:30PM Community Outreach Fair.
Activities will include:
- Earth Day Crafts/Games
- Water Conservation/Water Shed Protection
- Energy Efficiency
- Indoor Air Pollution Education
- Climate Change
- Bioremediation
- Food Dehydration/ Food Preservation
- Community Wellness/Healthy Eating
- Drought Resistant Plants/Fire Safe Awareness
- Gardening
- Cultural Resource Protection
- Eco-Friendly Food Service
- Fruit Tree give-a-ways throughout the event
11:30PM-12:30PM Participant Luncheon
Collaborative Partners: Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation Administration, Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation Environmental Department, Owens Valley Career Development Center-Lone Pine Tribal TANF, and Student Nest Tribal Youth Education Program.
For more information you can contact Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation Environmental Director, Mel Joseph at 760-876-4690.
Big Pine Civic Club
Inyo Register can you place in the at a glance section
The Big Pine Civic Club will host a Main Street Clean-up day,
Saturday April 21.
Meet at Mendenhall Park 9am
For more information, contact Sandy Lund 760/938-2343
Big Pine Wellness Center
The Big Pine Wellness Center at 545 Butcher Lane will be hosting the Big Pine Community Earth Day on Saturday, April 21 starting at 10 am with a Community Walk.
There will be informational booths as well as eco-friendly activities and demonstrations.
Everyone is welcome to join and participate.
For more information, call 760-938-2800.
BLM and Leave No Trace to host Outdoor Skills and Ethics events in the eastern Sierra
BISHOP, Calif. – The Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office, in partnership with the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, will be hosting two Outdoor Skills and Ethics events in the eastern Sierra as the region prepares for Earth Day 2018.
“We are fortunate to have the Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers here in Bishop to support our outdoor education efforts,” says BLM Bishop Field Manager Steve Nelson. “Public lands recreation is a cornerstone of the Eastern Sierra economy. Sharing practical outdoor skills and instilling a conservation ethic in today’s outdoor enthusiasts is key to maintaining the recreational opportunities that benefit us all.”
On April 19, the Traveling Trainers will lead an interactive, hands-on workshop focused on teaching outdoor skills and techniques that public land visitors can use to minimize impacts when recreating outdoors. Topics include preparing for an outdoor adventure, waste disposal, practicing trail etiquette and interacting with wildlife. To participate in this workshop, meet at Black Sheep Coffee Roasters, 232 N. Main St., in Bishop at 9:30 a.m.
On April 20, the Traveling Trainers will join Bishop Field Office staff for an Earth Day program designed specifically for Round Valley Elementary School. The students will rotate through eight hands-on science and environmental education stations focused on a variety of natural resources found in the eastern Sierra, including fly-fishing, bighorn sheep and migratory mule deer. Connecting kids to public lands connects them to America’s natural and cultural heritage. The Friends of the Inyo, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Foundation and Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association will also participate in this event.
The Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers travel throughout the country teaching people how to enjoy the outdoors responsibly. Last year, the program reached an estimated 15.4 million Americans.
As stewards, the BLM manages public lands for the benefit of current and future generations, providing opportunities for outdoor recreation and encouraging shared conservation stewardship in pursuit of the agency’s multiple-use mission. For more information, contact Bishop Field Office Park Ranger Ron Napoles at 760-872-5027.
Earth Day Weekend Events and Activities in Bishop –
Friday, April 20 – Lecture by Dr. Ben Hatchett, from Reno’s Desert Research Institute, “Landscapes of the Eastern Sierra as Climatic Time Machines” – Cerro Coso College – 7 PM
( 760-937-8081)
Saturday, April 21 – Earth Day in the Park – Bishop City Park – Booths, Activities, Games, Food and Craft Vendors – 10 AM to 3 PM ( 760-230-9396)
Film Screening – “Happening – A Clean Energy Revolution” – documentary by filmmaker Jamie Redford – Inyo Council for the Arts – 7 PM (760-937-8081)
Sunday, April 22 – Bishop Paiute Tribe’s Earth Day – Owens Valley Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center – Roadside Clean-up 8 AM; Plant the Firstbloom corn maze and pumpkin patch 10-1; Environmental Activity Tables, Live Music, Speakers, Recycled Art Projects, Spring Market – Food and Craft Vendors 10-1; Films, Speakers and Discussions inside the Cultural Center 10-2:30. For a list of films and speakers please go to
(760-873-8844 or 760-873-3584)
The weekend of films, speakers and activities are all sponsored by a Partnership of: INYO350, the Sierra Club, Inyo County Superintendent of Schools, Cerro Coso Community College, Bishop Sunrise Rotary Club, the Owens Valley Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center and the Bishop Paiute Tribe Environmental Management Office.
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