Kathy Cage on Randy Gephart

Editor,I’ve been asked many times over the years to endorse people running for political office but I have never considered it before now. For most political offices I feel that voters should do their own homework and find out where candidates stand on issues...

Paradise Development Comment

Dear Editor, SierraWave tossed up a real soft-ball on the proposed Hooper development at Paradise Lodge. Reporting on last week’s Mono Planning Commission meeting, you covered the minor issues but only alluded to the one compelling problem: building custom homes...

“End the Nastiness”

Dear Editor: The name calling and innuendo regarding the race for judge between Randy Gephart and Mark Magit has gotten out of hand. This is not Brown/Whitman, it is a contest between two fine people and good lawyers neither of whom deserve the kind of nonsense that...

Reason to Vote

Dear Editor: Tonight on the evening news a Green Beret posthumously received the Medal of Honor for bravery on the battlefield of Afghanistan . He is one of the endless line of patriots who have safeguarded our democratic way of life. These patriots stand shoulder to...

Political Observation

At the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce Candidate’s Forum last May, I witnessed an interesting exchange between Superior Court judge candidates Magit and Gephart. I was sitting in the front row as the candidates were seating themselves. The only person missing...

Another Wildlife View

Its not a bear problem its a people problem. Why is it a town of 7,000 that easily grows to 25,000 on holidays and busy weekends, has no local jail so must transport those to be jailed to Bridgeport (2 hour minimum drive plus paper work) by one of the two on duty...