Judge Stout being sworn in by Tribal Chairman Tilford P. Denver.
After approval to restructure the Tribal Court by the Bishop Paiute Tribal Council, a search was conducted to fill a second judgeship position.
On September 15, 2020, Dean T. Stout was sworn in by the Tribal Council to serve as the Chief Judge of the Bishop Paiute Tribal Court. The restructure allows the Court to contract with two judges; Judge Gary E. LaRance will continue to dedicate his time as the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Judge and Judge Dean T. Stout will now serve as the Chief Judge.
Dean T. Stout was admitted to the California State Bar in 1977, whereupon he began a private practice in Bishop. From 1978 to 1987, he served as the Inyo County Contract Public Defender. From 1987 until his appointment to the Inyo County Superior Court in 1997, he served as the Assistant District Attorney for Inyo County. On April 25, 1997, Judge Stout was appointed by the Governor to serve as the sole Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Inyo. After serving just over 21 years, Judge Stout retired on May 30, 2018; however, continues to serve as a Temporary Assigned Judge by appointment of the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court. To date, Judge Stout continues to serve on the Superior Courts of Inyo, Mono, Placer, and Sacramento Counties. Now, the Bishop Paiute Tribe is honored to offer a seat on the bench to Judge Dean T. Stout.

Judge Stout with Councilwoman Joyce White after swearing in ceremony.
A highlight in Judge Stout’s career was his development and judgeship over the Inyo County Drug Court. This specialty Court has assisted many tribal members in walking down the red road and becoming outstanding members of our Tribal community. Judge Stout has served in many other capacities; a member of the Tribal Court/State Court Forum, a member of the Chief Justice’s Domestic Violence Practice and Procedure Task Force, Chair of the Rural Courts Education Committee, co-chair of the Judicial Council’s Juvenile and Family Law Committee, and served as a member of the Chief Justice’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care.
During his service in the Inyo County Superior Court, Judge Stout states, “I always did my best to respect Tribal Sovereignty; and actively supported the development of the Bishop Paiute Tribal Court.” Judge Stout has been involved in many conversations and collaborations with the Bishop Paiute Tribe regarding Tribal Ordinance development and most recently has been assisting in the development and implementation of the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court.
With Judge Stout’s vast experience, he will be another asset for the Tribe as the they continue to strengthen and enhance the services of the Tribal Court alongside Judge Gary E. LaRance as the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Judge. With funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Tribe now has the unique ability to establish a Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court. The tribe was awarded approximately $348,000 over a three-year grant to develop and implement this specialty court. The tribal community believes the youth are highest priority and there are many opportunities through development and coordination to address concerns of substance abuse among tribal youth.
Judge LaRance comes with six (6) years’ experience creating, managing, and presiding as Judge of a Healing to Wellness Court (HTWC) for the Hopi Tribal Court. Judge LaRance has provided training to other tribes, tribal court personnel and judges on the development, administration and operation of the Healing to Wellness Court cases. The Tribe’s goal is to have the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court operational early 2021.
With this, the Bishop Paiute Tribe is honored to have both Judge’s serve the Bishop Paiute Tribe as they bring experience and dedication to promoting justice. For any questions related to this matter please forward them to Annette Apalatea, Tribal Court Administrator/Clerk at 760-873-3584 ext. 1900.
The Bishop Paiute Tribe is a federally recognized Indian tribe located on its 879-acre Bishop Paiute Reservation in Inyo County, California. The Reservation was formed under Congressional Act 5299, P.L. No. 43 of April 20, 1937. The Tribe is committed to the well-being of its people. For more information please contact the Bishop Paiute Tribe at (760) 873-3584.
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