Press release
The Bishop Lions Club has received its new Welch Allyn SPOT vision screening device which is part of Lion District 4L-1’s progressing into higher technology to assist Lions’ vision programs internationally.
The new SPOT vision screener is extremely compact for use and links wirelessly to its accompanying printer for the read-out of the scan of the client’s eyes. It is most effective on youngsters and young adults up to the age of mid-20’s and early 30’s, depending on the client’s vision condition. It is in that vein that Lions International has made these SPOT screeners available to local Lions clubs, so they may begin screening school and home-schooled youth, trying to catch vision problems or difficulties and potential learning deficiencies caused by poor vision in classroom or at home.
Shown above training Bishop Lions on the use of the SPOT screener at Discovery Point Pre School as the Bishop Lions proceeded with screening for approximately 20 preschoolers is 2015-2016 Past District 4L-1 Governor Dr. Fredy Perez, as he instructs Bishop Lion Janet Lowney and other local Lions on how the camera-like device and its linked printer function.
The entire screening of the subject preschoolers took just over an hour or so and each pupil – no pun intended! – was able to take a print-out report home to Mom and Dad at the end of their school day. In the event any vision difficulties appeared in that report the parents were advised to consult with their local optometrist for further examination and analysis for care.
The Bishop Lions Club works closely with local vision experts Dr. Eric Richman, Dr. Tom Reid and Dr. Stuart Hiroyasu. In addition some ongoing assistance comes from Jack Gustafson at Owens Valley Optical.
An extension of the Bishop Lions’ vision screening and referral program is conducted not just for school-age children but includes adults, in that certain hardship cases are brought to the Lions when eye exams and the need for prescribed glasses may not be met by the client’s insurance program or household budget. These requests for help are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by local Lions and referred to one of the indicated vision professionals.
Anyone interested in seeing the new Welch Allyn SPOT vision screener could contact Bishop Lion Mike Johnston (760-937-6663) or Kenny Lloyd (760-920-4037). Those Lions are also encouraging other pre-schools and the public schools in the Owens Valley to contact them to schedule demonstrations and screenings for their students.
Further information on the activities of and membership in the Bishop Lions Club can be obtained from the aforementioned Lions or their 2016-2017 Club President John Wooley (760-872-3239).
Dr. James Richardson
The Bishop Lions Club, as part of its ongoing lunch meetings and programs inviting community speakers on various issues and activities, was treated to a presentation recently from Dr. James Richardson, new Inyo County Health officer. While maintaining his own private medical practice, Dr. Richardson agreed to take on the function of Inyo County’s health officer when Dr. Richard Johnson recently left that position and will be leaving Mono County as its county health officer in the near future.
The Bishop Lions heard precautionary measures recommended by Dr. Richardson to be taken to stave off the flu which is currently in its mid-season form. They also heard about pneumococcal viri and inoculations available to hopefully prevent the flu and serious health conditions which could lead to pneumonia, especially in the very young and the seniors in Inyo’s population.
Dr. Richardson indicated that the vaccines available this season are extremely well-suited for the strain of flu already impacting Inyo County and California. The county health official suggested staying away from others who might display flu and flu-like symptoms, personal hygiene which could include not touching one’s face with possibly contaminated hands, and frequent hand washing with alcohol-based anti-bacterial sanitizers and handy wipes.
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