Bishop Could Be a TV Star
Associate Planner Elaine Kabala will be applying to HGTV’s Home Town Takeover for the chance
to give the downtown area a makeover. Erin and Ben Napier have been renovating individual
homes on their “Home Town” series. That concept has been expanded to whole downtown
areas. Bishop meets the criteria: a population less than 40,000, great architecture and a Main
Street that needs a face lift. Yep, we qualify. The Council gave Kabala the green light to apply.
Details of the City/ Eastern Sierra Community Service District JPA
Councilmembers Steve Muchovej and Chris Costello met with board members from the Eastern
Sierra Community District to begin the process of figuring out a Joint Powers Authority. The
Council had determined at a previous meeting a JPA would be the best vehicle to, initially,
share a waste water spreading area with the intent to purchase the land from the Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power. The long-term plan is to build a joint treatment facility. The
formation of a board was discussed with a goal of keeping the structure of the JPA as simple as
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