Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 08, 2025





bchThe Bishop City Council meets tonight with two public hearings.

First, a hearing on the environmental review of the Crossfit Gym on Willow Street.  The Council wants to hear from the public on a Draft Negative Declaration to allow Crossfit Gym to set aside the commercial parking requirements for gymnasium occupancy according to city code.

The other public hearing deals with submission of an application for the 2012 State Community Development Block Grant program.  Again, public input is invited.

After the public hearings, the Council will consider adopting the environmental review of Crossfit Gym and they will consider adoption of a resolution for the block grant to go to IMACA.

Also on tonight’s agenda, appointment of a Parks and Recreation Commissioner to a four year term.  The Council will consider adoption of an ordinance and resolution amending fees and charges for city services.

The Council will also consider approval of the state budget for Sunrise Mobile Home Park for the new fiscal year, and they will consider approval of the General Plan annual progress report.  Last on the open agenda – approval of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power lease for eight city parking lots.

The final move will be a closed session over labor negotiations involving the Bishop Employees Association, Bishop Police Officers Association, Mid-Management, and Management.

Tonight’s meeting starts at 7pm at Bishop City Hall.

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