Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 13, 2025





Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District 157 Short Street, Bishop, California 93514-3537 760-872-8211 Fax: 760-872-6109

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GREAT BASIN UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF THE 2016-2017 DISTRICT AND SB 270 BUDGETS AND ORDER The Governing Board of the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District will conduct a 2nd public hearing for the purpose of considering adopting the District’s annual budgets and proposed California Health and Safety Code Section 42316 (SB 270) order for the 2016-2017 fiscal year and providing the public with an opportunity to comment on the proposed budgets and order.

The District has prepared a summary of its proposed total annual budget for the 2016- 2017 fiscal year, including a schedule of fees and proposed order to be imposed by the District to fund its programs. It should be noted that a portion of the budget is funded through an order authorized by California Health and Safety Code Section 42316, which requires the City of Los Angeles to pay fees to the District based on an estimate of the actual costs to the District of its activities associated with the development of mitigation measures and related air quality analysis associated with the air quality impacts of the City of Los Angeles’ water diversion, conveyance and storage activities.

A copy of the budget summaries is available for inspection at the District office at the address shown below. The FY 2016-2017 District (non-SB 270) budget may include an automatic adjustment to permit fees to account for changes in the California Consumer Price Index.

The public hearing will be conducted at a regular meeting of the District Governing Board to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 16, 2016, Mono County Board of Supervisors Chambers, Mono County Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Main Street (U.S. Highway 395), Bridgeport California.

The public hearing on the District’s total annual budgets and proposed order is set for 10:05 a.m. Written comments are invited, and should be addressed to the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District, 157 Short Street, Bishop, California 93514.

Written comments received by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, will be included in the staff report sent to the Governing Board members. Comments may also be made during the public hearing.

For further information, call the District’s Board Clerk, Tori DeHaven at (760) 872-8211.

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