Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 16, 2025





attofficemam.jpgHere’s a good news/ not so good news story.  AT&T contacted a former Mono Supervisor to say a new cell phone tower would go up in Chalfant, an area which has struggled for cell service. At the same time, AT&T customers in Mammoth Lakes had reasons to complain about cell phone service over the holiday.  Their phones were on again/ off again.

Former Mono Supervisor Hap Hazard sent out email information with an update on the latest from AT&T on the Chalfant cell tower.  Hazard said that he was contacted by the AT&T Governmental Affairs Representative who informed him that AT&T has approved the funding and construction of a new cell tower in Chalfant which is currently scheduled to be placed at the fire station.

Hazard said the complex process of working with AT&T has lasted nearly two and a half years.  Hazard said the AT&T official told him that the Digital 395 fiber optic cable will have to be completed to make the connection of the cell tower viable. The fiber optic deadline is the end of July of this year.  The former Supervisor added that the tower project will go to public hearings in the local community before approval.

Meanwhile in Mammoth Lakes lots of unhappy customers. Spokesmen at the local AT&T retail store confirmed that something was wrong with service and that Southern California technicians were trying to diagnose the problems via an internet tie to Mammoth’s five cell towers.

Retail clerks also confirmed that they were swamped with angry customer calls.  While an unknown number of customers had virtually no service from Valentine’s Day forward, reports of renewed service trickled in on Monday.

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