monosups6_18-13Mono County Board Fills Key Positions  (PRESS RELEASE FROM MONO COUNTY)

New Information Technology Director, Director of Human Resources/Risk Management, EMS Manager, Ag Commissioner, and Assessor bring diverse experience to County team

Mono County, Calif. – On Tuesday, September 3rd, the Mono County Board of Supervisors appointed Bob Musil as the Assessor, Rob DeForrest as the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Manager and Nathan Reade as the Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures. They join two other recent Board appointments; Nate Greenberg as the Information Technology (IT) Director and William “Bill” Van Lente as the Director of Human Resources/Risk Management.

Mono County Board of Supervisors Chair Byng Hunt commented, “These appointments reflect the Board’s ongoing effort to fill critical County positions and improve County services. The County has had a number of vacancies in key roles and is rebuilding to help our employees best serve the community .”

Bill Van Lente comes with an extensive background in human resources for healthcare facilities and private sector experience with his own human resource consulting business, Van Lente Associates, and is relocating from Twin Falls, Idaho. Director of Human Resources/Risk Management Bill Van Lente commented, “I look forward to the opportunity of working for Mono County and providing the human resources and organization development practices needed to strengthen our service to the public.”

Prior to coming to Mono County, Bill provided human resource services to St. Luke’s Health System and the John C. Fremont Healthcare District. He also designed and taught human resource courses for Alliant International University. Bill has a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Wyoming, Laramie and a Doctor of Psychology from the California School of ProfessionalPsychology/AUI in Fresno, California. Mr. Van Lente began employment on August 19th and the salary will be $108,000 annually.

Nate Greenberg is currently serving as the County’s Geographic Information System (GIS) Coordinator/Digital 395 Manager and has been part of the IT Department since 2004. IT Director Nate Greenberg commented, “It has been my honor to work with Mono County for the last 13 years, first as a contractor, and for the past 9 years as a member of the IT staff. I believe that technology is critical for organizational success – not only for our staff to best serve the public, but also for the public to access county services and participate in local government. I am very excited about the opportunity to take our department to the next level by increasing efficiency and better integrating technology into our workforce and daily operations.”

During his tenure with Mono County, Nate has developed a strong working relationship with the Town of Mammoth Lakes and led the effort to create the current GIS system. He has also served as a liaison between Praxis Associates, Inc., County staff and local agencies for the Digital 395 project. Mr. Greenberg will continue to serve as the Digital 395 Manager and while providing both services the salary will be $109,740 annually. Nate’s promotion was effective August 20th.

Bob Musil, a former Assistant Assessor for Mono County from 2006 – 2009 has come back to serve the people of Mono County once again. Bob comes with proven management skills in local government and was most recently a mining appraiser for the Nevada Department of Taxation. Prospective Assessor Bob Musil commented, “I can’t wait to get started and look forward to being part of the Mono County Assessor team once again, reconnecting with the staff and serving the people of Mono County.” Bob is qualified as an Advanced Certified Property Tax Appraiser from the California State Board of Equalization. Bob has also completed the Nevada Real Property Tax Appraiser certification and has a degree from San Jose State University in Political Science. Mr. Musil will begin employment on September 3rd and the salary will be $108,000 annually.

Rob DeForrest has been a Mono County Paramedic since 2006 and provided emergency services for the past 17 years. He started as an EMT for Liberty Ambulance in the Ridgecrest area and within the first year became a paramedic. Rob was the Chalfant Valley Fire Department Chief from 2005 to 2012. He has also spent some time as a flight paramedic for Sierra Lifeflight. EMS Manager Rob DeForrest commented, “I have been with the County for almost 7 years now and I look forward to the new position and new challenges.” Mr. DeForrest will begin employment on September 20th and the salary will be $75,000 annually.

Nathan Reade, the former Deputy Ag Commissioner for George Milovich was promoted to Ag Commissioner. Nate worked for the past 12 years in the Agricultural and Weights and Measures Department, preparing for this opportunity. In order to serve as this county officer, an individual must have 12 different licenses which took approximately 8-9 years to obtain. For many decades, Inyo and Mono Counties have appointment the same individual, and Nate has already been appointed by Inyo County. Reade commented, “I’ve lived here most of my life and I understand how important agriculture is to the economy and culture…it is an honor to be appointed and I will do the best job I can.” Mr. Reade began employment on August 20th and the salary will be $98,400 annually.

County Administrative Officer Jim Leddy commented, “I am enthusiastic about filling these key positions with such great individuals. I look forward to working closely with all of them in the coming

months. Thanks to the Board’s unwavering commitment to improving services and focusing on strategic planning, we are assembling a great team of public servants committed to the best for the residents and visitors of Mono County. I would also like to thank staff for assisting with additional responsibilities during this past period of transition.”

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