Mono County Board of Supervisors Appoints Acting CAO (press release)

Mono Public Health Director Lynda Salcido appointed as Acting CAO.
Mono County, California, January 29, 2013 – At a special meeting today, the Mono County Board of Supervisors appointed Lynda Salcido as “Acting County Administrative Officer (CAO).” A long-term county employee, Ms. Salcido is also Mono County’s Director of Public Health, a position she has held for 13 years. She will serve in the additional capacity of Acting CAO following the last day of employment of the county’s current CAO, James Arkens, and until an “Interim CAO” is recruited and appointed, which may take a few weeks. Mr. Arkens was recently hired as CAO for Sutter County in central California.
In terms of next steps in the hiring process for a permanent CAO, Marshall Rudolph, County Counsel, explains, “The Board anticipates that the Interim CAO will be recruited from outside the County and will not be a candidate for permanent appointment as CAO. The Interim CAO will serve while the County recruits for a permanent CAO and until the individual ultimately hired as permanent CAO takes office.” This process is estimated to take approximately four months.
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The citizens of Mono County should create a petition saying they want the issue of moving the Mono County seat to come before voters on the next ballot.
Moving the Mono County offices will make it more accesible for the majority of the population of the county and create much-needed jobs in construction, employment … as well.
For many generations now, most of the people of Bridgeport have worked for, or have relatives who have worked for, or are currently working for the County of Mono. Working for Mono County and being paid handsomely for their work (with our without union assistance) has become a cottage industry for Bridgeport. Some of those perpetual employees of the county (since 1890) have prepared for their work with advanced degrees etc. Most have not. Perhaps some new blood can shine a bright light on the unfairness and foolishness of this monopoly and spread the wealth around.
Mono County Monopoly, Why oh why, do some people continue to act like Bridgeport is the ONLY place in the county for accusations and your tiring diatribe. Lots of people from ALL over Mono County have worked for the county. Still work for the County. Will always work for the county. For years now the folks being paid HANDSOMELY as you put it are the ones that the previous board felt deserved that range of pay in order to lure people here. As I look around that kind of mentality hasn’t worked very well so far. Maybe, just maybe some of our local (As in the entire county) talent should be looked at. We do not need to be lured here as we are already here. Yes I work for the county and my Handsome take home pay is $3,287.00 a month, my husband also works for the county, has dedicated 27 years of his life to serving ALL of the people of Mono County, his HANDSOME take home pay is $2,846.00 a month. I say we don’t need any more new blood as you put it. We are suffering COUNTY WIDE including the town from HANDSOMELY paid people who may be educated but they sure aren’t very smart. I hate reading anything in the Sierra Wave that mentions Bridgeport or anything with the supervisors or what is happening because of people like you who use it as an excuse to slam down Bridgeport. I am offended for ALL of the people in this county because you act like all that matters is Bridgeport and Mammoth and I don’t believe that to be true.
GREAT DECISION. Clap, clap, clap. Congratulations Linda. To bad she couldn’t just take the job for good. My opinion of course.